NHS Interview Questions and Answers: How To Pass an NHS Interview

NHS interview questions and answers are tough to pass!

Q1. Why do you want to work in the NHS?

3 Top Tips To Answering This Question

  1. Refer to the NHS values when answering this question. Ideally, you should do this for all the NHS interview questions and answers.
  2. Explain how PATIENT CARE is something you are extremely passionate about.
  3. Tell the panel you often hear people praising the NHS staff for the tireless work they do, and that you want to be part of that team.

Sample Answer

“I have set my sights on this role within the NHS for some time now and have thoroughly researched the organisation and the role to make sure I can perform to the high standards required.

I believe I can strive to achieve the NHS values and standards it sets itself and I am extremely passionate about patient care. There are many different roles within the NHS, and I feel my job would be to help the wider team achieve the goals that the NHS sets itself.

Despite the NHS often coming under pressure from external factors, I have heard nothing but great things about the staff, the organisation as a whole, and the tireless work everyone continues to carry out for its patients.

I enjoy working in a challenging environment and feel strongly I can cope with the pressures of the role. I believe that, if I am given the opportunity to work within the NHS in this role, you will be pleased with my performance and contribution to the organisation as a whole.”

Q2. What qualities do you have that would be a good fit for the NHS?

2 Top Tips To Answering This Question

  1. Again, refer to the NHS values when answering this question. When it comes to NHS interview questions and answers, this is crucial.
  2. Use powerful and positive keywords and phrases within your response to this NHS interview question.

Sample Answer

“The qualities I have are many and varied, including an ability to work hard under pressure, a desire to provide a quality service, and a passion for delivering outstanding patient care. I am a hard worker, and someone who enjoys working as part of a team to achieve a common goal. I enjoy being busy at work, and I have a flexible approach that means I am able to cover extra shifts and help out at short notice as and when required.

I am a compassionate person who believes that everyone should receive the same level of treatment and the same quality service, regardless of who they are. I can also be trusted with confidential information and I fully understand the external pressures the NHS are under. Decisions that may be made within the NHS at times may not be popular amongst staff or patients, but they are done for the wider good of the organization.

Finally, I am a loyal and committed person who will work hard to learn the role quickly with a view to carrying out my role with consistency, professionalism and with a focus on quality patient care.”

NHS Interview Questions and Answers Free Online Course

Q3. Do you have any knowledge of NHS systems or processes?

3 Top Tips To Answering This Question

  1. Have a quick look at the NHS long-term plan (link to it in the description below the video).
  2. Mention the key points of the long-term plan and state everyone is working together to achieve the goal of the NHS.
  3. If you get the chance, visit the hospital or place you will be working at to find out more about how they operate. By doing this, you’ll gain a far better idea of how to deal with NHS interview questions and answers.

Sample Answer

“Everyone in the NHS is working together as one and there is a long-term plan in place to make sure the NHS is fit for the 21st century.

Essentially, the NHS is looking to boost ‘out-of-hospital’ care, reduce pressure on emergency hospital services and staff, give people more control over their own health, digitally-enable primary and outpatient care whilst also moving to an Integrated Care System across the board. Of course, another key goal of the NHS is to make sure you are getting the most out of taxpayers’ investment in the NHS.

There is also a Health Systems Support Framework in place which incorporates a Five Year Forward View. Local health systems will need to move to a more proactive joined up care system which is wrapped around patients, as opposed to being an entirely reactive system.”

Q4. Describe a situation when you have had to adapt your approach to get your message across?

2 Top Tips To Answering This Question

  1. Use a SPECIFIC example when answering this question and use the S.T.A.R technique for structuring your answer.
  2. Use a situation where you had to be confident and resilient to get your message across.

Sample Answer

“In my previous job, I was responsible for delivering a difficult time-sensitive project for my line manager whilst working as part of a team.

It was my job to convince the team that my proposed method of working was the most effective. The majority of the team were opposed to my methods and they made their feelings clear within the initial team briefing.

Despite this, I was still confident that my method would work, and therefore I decided to change my approach to sell my ideas to the team. I took the time to sit down privately and individually with each member of the team to explain my idea. I felt this approach would be more effective, simply because it is easier to sell an idea to individuals than a group of people.

The end result was a success. I eventually got everyone within the team onboard and the project was delivered successfully, and on time.”

Q5. Can you give an example of when you achieved an NHS value in your career?

2 Top Tips To Answering This Question

  • There are a number of NHS values, and by living these values the NHS can ensure the best possible care for its patients.
  • Choose an example from any of the following:

    Working together for patients.
    Respect and dignity.
    Commitment to quality of care.
    Improving lives.
    Everyone counts.

Sample Answer

“In a previous job, a clearly upset and distressed customer came into the store to complain about how she had been mistreated by a member of our staff.

It was my job to ensure the customer was OK, investigate the issue and also resolve it to the satisfactory for the customer whilst operating within company guidelines.

I sat the customer down, made sure she was comfortable before asking her to explain the situation to me. She explained a member of staff had shouted at her unnecessarily whilst she was parking her car in the company car park and she felt threatened by his behavior. After investigating the complaint thoroughly, I reported the member of staff to my head of department, apologized to the customer and took steps to make sure the situation did not happen again.

When the customer arrived home, I telephoned her just to make sure she was still OK. The end result was the customer was looked after following the initial upsetting situation and I managed to make sure the same situation did not ever happen again.”


1). Why do you want to work in the NHS?

2). What qualities do you have that would be a good fit for the NHS?

3). What do you know about the NHS?

4). Do you have any knowledge of NHS systems or processes?

5). Describe a situation when you had to make a tough or difficult decision?

6). What, in your opinion, is the best thing about the NHS?

7). Can you give an example of when you achieved an NHS value in your career?

8). If a patient starts shouting at you, how would you deal with the situation?

9). How do you feel this about seeing unpleasant sights?

10). What is the NHS long-term plan and how do you think it would impact on your role?

Get more FREE Interview Training at: www.PassMyInterview.com

Learn to pass NHS interview questions and answers with our great tips.

142 thoughts on “NHS Interview Questions and Answers: How To Pass an NHS Interview

    • Jordan Cooke says:

      Hi Mercy,

      We’re so glad to hear you found this useful =]. We wish you the very best of luck with your application!


      The How2Become Team

  1. Kasum Manjang says:

    I found this questions and answers very good although I have not attain my upcoming interview yet , but it give me insight knowledge possible what to expect.
    I preparing for Interview with NHS (Support and Recovery Worker) please can you help with any specific or likely hood questioned.

  2. Achyut Sharma says:

    Thank you for this awesome video. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to it. I have an interview as an Intensive Care Fellow in the Cardiothoracic Intensive Care this Wednesday 7th August 2019. Can you please suggest me some specific questions?
    Thank you in advance.

    • Jordan Cooke says:

      Hi Camilla,

      We’re so glad to hear that you found our tips useful =]. We wish you the very best of luck with your interview – if you need any further help then please don’t hesitate to get in touch!


      The How2Become Team

    • Sarah says:

      Hi Camilla,
      I know this is an older comment but I have an interview for a similar post. Id be really interested to know how you got on and what the interview questions were!

    • Jordan Cooke says:

      Hi Chifundo,

      Are you looking for questions that will help you pass a finance manager interview? If so, we can assist with this. Let us know!


      The How2Become Team

  3. Cesca says:

    Loved the video! I have an interview next week for a NHS Administration role? Looking to know more about scenario questions and the admin test involved. Thanks in advanced

  4. James says:

    Hi I have an interview coming up for a Space Planning & Utilisation Co-ordinator in the NHS do you have any questions that can assist with this.

    Many Thanks

  5. Michelle Pang says:

    Hi, I’m applying for an assistant practitioner post in hospital for people with acute mental problems. Can you think of any questions they might ask me please. Thank you for your help.

    • Jordan Cooke says:

      Hi Michelle,

      During your interview, it’s likely that they will ask you questions on topics such as:

      -Do you have any experience of working with mental healthcare? If so, when was this and in what capacity? You will likely need to give sustained examples.

      -Your people skills and ability to communicate with others.

      -Your ability to work solo and as part of a team.

      -Your patience and empathy.

      We really hope the interview goes well! Best of luck.


      The How2Become Team

  6. Sarah Radev says:

    Really helpful info. I have an interview for Graduate Mental Health Worker working with children coming up. I have been an Assistant Psychologist in a private company for the past year working with learning disabilities and autism. Any additional advice for this interview would be great.

  7. Anne Robertson says:

    Hi I am applying for a nhs community team leader role for learning disabilities nurse band 7 in Scotland . I have worked in the nhs as a band 6 for 24 years , it is a in a team that has social workers and a small team of multidisciplinary team .

    • Jordan Cooke says:

      Hi Winnie,

      The questions for this type of interview would likely focus around qualities such as:

      -Your ability to work as part of a team.

      -Your ability to hold yourself accountable.

      -Your level of patient care.

      -Your ability to work collaboratively.

      We hope this helps!


      The How2Become Team

    • Jordan Cooke says:

      Hi Josh,

      We’d be happy to assist. Could you give us a few more details about the job you’re applying for, and we’ll come up with potential questions!


      The How2Become Team

  8. Jodie Garrett says:

    Hi, I have an interview for a band 4 NHS research administrator position next week, would you be able to suggest any likely questions which might be asked please. thanks !

  9. Mannie says:

    Really insightful tips on acing NHS interviews. However, I have not seen anything specific about preparing for a Band 7 Radiographer role. I’d be pleased to see this covered as well.

  10. Maria Dimou says:

    hello,i am band 5 physiotherapist and I apply to Darent Valley Hospital in Kent and my interview is in a week now , any tips that will be helpfull?
    kinr ragards.

    • Jordan Cooke says:

      Hi Maria,

      We’d be happy to assist. You are likely to face questions focusing on the following elements:

      -Your patient handling skills.
      -Your communication.
      -Your past experience.
      -How well you’ve handled difficult scenarios in the past.

      We hope this helps, and we wish you the very best of luck!


      The How2Become Team

  11. Martina says:

    Very helpful video, thank you. I am applying for an Occupational therapist assistant band 3 in an acute stroke unit. Can you help with specific questions for this role, please?

    • Jordan Cooke says:

      Hi Louise,

      Sure, we’d be happy to help with this. It would really depend on what task they are asking you to do, specifically however. For example, do you know if you’ll need to construct a report? Let us know, and we’ll do our best to advise.


      The How2Become Team

  12. Agnieszka says:

    Hi ,
    I have interview for band 6 senior pharmacy technician procurement position in 1 week time . How to prepare for this interview ?Any tips would be great . Thanks

    • Jordan Cooke says:

      Hi there,

      Although we don’t have anything specific for this role, you can expect that the interview questions would focus around:

      -Your previous experience of working with children.
      -Your situational judgement skills.
      -Your ability to deal with difficult and stressful situations.
      -Your ability to communicate and tailor your message to the appropriate audience.

      We hope this helps!


      The How2Become Team

  13. Pariksha G says:


    Please can you let me know if you have practice questions for Band 3 Technician (venepuncture and cannulation) role? I got an interview next week with no experience of venepuncture and cannulation. But I’m a HCA at the moment.


    • Jordan Cooke says:

      Hi there,

      While we don’t have specific questions for this role, you will find that our practice interview questions are enormously useful for any NHS interview – and that the tips we’ll give you on the course will prove invaluable.


      The How2Become Team

  14. Danielle says:

    Great presentation. What should one expect for a Service Manager interview? I was selected for an interview coming soon. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    • Jordan Cooke says:

      Hi Danielle,

      Is it possible to give us a little bit more info about the role? Let us know, and we’ll do our best to assist!


      The How2Become Team

    • Jordan Cooke says:

      Hi Sam,

      Based on our research, it would appear that the Health Care Assistant Assessment involves both a numerical assessment, and an English test. The questions are unlikely to be too strenuous, so if you brush up on your maths and English skills then you should be absolutely fine!


      The How2Become Team

    • Jordan Cooke says:

      Hi Nicole,

      While we don’t have any specific questions for this role, our NHS interview course would prove really useful for this! This course is jam-packed with excellent advice on the types of questions to expect, practice answers, and more!


      The How2Become Team

  15. Kelli Y says:

    hi I have an interview coming up for divisional PA to very high up people, I’m guessing divisional manager. Can I have any help towards interview skills questions and example. I am currently a medical secretary already with in the NHS I just wish to stand out! Please Help

    • Jordan Cooke says:

      Hi Dave,

      The questions will likely focus around the following areas:

      -Your past experience of working with young people.

      -Your business skills and acumen.

      -Your motivations and reasons for applying for a role working in children’s services.

      -Your ability to lead by example and work with others.

      -Your communication and management skills (leadership).

      We hope this helps – we wish you the very best of luck.


      The How2Become Team

  16. Julie Hughes says:

    Hi. Thank you for your useful questions and answer tips. I have an interview for an assistant practitioner post in breast screening and would really appreciate your help with more tips on how to get the job!
    Kind regards

  17. kemi salami says:

    i have band 7 NHS interview , the role is call Crisis Assessment practitioner, Mental heath) candid will work with police and Ambulance services to attend to people with mental health crisis in their home or outside their home . what questions do you think will be asked.

  18. Bianca Iacono says:

    Hi,thank you so much for your brilliant video!
    I am looking for my first interview prep for research assistant (in psychologist role, band 5) on Monday. I will do an oral examination and following a IT task.
    Thank you very much

    • Jordan Cooke says:

      Hi there,

      Most likely, you will be asked questions focusing around:

      -Your technical knowledge, you can expect a range of technical/radiography specific questions.
      -Your ability to work as part of a team.
      -Your timekeeping.
      -Your patient-care skills (i.e. how well you interact with patients).

      We hope this helps!


      The How2Become Team

  19. Shalom says:

    I have an interview for a bank crisis support worker with the nhs, how would I approach the questions given to me? Do you know and examples of a bank staff interview?

  20. Rhys says:

    A great video and some great insights to take on board.

    I have an interview for an ICT Support Officer role coming up within the NHS.

    Any potential tips?

    Best wishes

  21. Karen Fountain says:

    A great video your questions and answers will be a great help. I have an interview for a Ward Managers Assistant for Main Theatres next week with the NHS, how would I approach the questions given to me?

  22. Kelly Gilders says:


    Ive found this really useful. I have an interview for a band 8a Health and Wellbeing Manager – do you have any further interview questions thst might come up for this role?

  23. Sharon Keeling says:


    I have a interview coming up for a PA for the Director of Nursing within community services, any advice on the type of questions I could possibly be asked please ?

    • Gemma Butler says:

      Hi Taz, I’m afraid we don’t have specific resources for this role and band but you may find our NHS online video training course beneficial to your preparation.

  24. Karen says:

    Hi I have an interview on Thursday for district nurses so I think their questions will differ to the NHS questions etc . Any help please as I am really nervous and don’t know what to expect

    • Gemma Butler says:

      Hi Karen, best of luck for your interview.

      You may be asked questions such as:
      What do you understand about safeguarding?
      How would you deal with an aggressive patient?
      Describe a time when you have handled a stressful situation and what was the outcome?

  25. Maisha says:

    Hi! Very good tips.
    I have an online interview next week for the role ‘Reconnect Prison Link Worker’ Band 4 and I would like to know what kind of Q&A there are. Thanks!

    • Gemma Butler says:

      Hi Maisha,

      Good luck for your interview!

      You may be asked questions such as:
      What is your understanding of rehabilitation?
      Describe a situation when you had to work with someone who you didn’t get along with.
      How would you resolve a disagreement between two individuals?

    • Gemma Butler says:

      Hi Lorraine, thank you!
      During the interview for a Clerical Officer role you may be asked questions such as:
      – Tell me about a time you dealt with an angry customer and how you diffused the situation.
      – What do you consider to be excellent customer service?
      – Tell me about a time when you have managed multiple tasks or projects at the same time.

  26. Anthony says:

    Hi Richard, thank you for that great video.

    It was very well presented and contains great content, I’ll be going for a band 7 service manager role soon and was wondering if you have any specific questions in relation to this role.

    Many thanks.

    • Gemma Butler says:

      Hi Anthony, for a Band 7 role you may be asked question in the interview such as:
      – Tell me about a time you resolved a conflict between colleagues.
      – Tell me about a time when you worked under pressure.
      – What experience do you have that is relevant to this role?

    • Gemma Butler says:

      Hi Tina,

      Thank you for your comment 🙂

      For this role you might be asked questions such as:
      What challenges are the NHS facing right now?
      Tell me how you would handle a stressful situation.
      What responsibilities do you expect to have in this role?

    • Gemma Butler says:

      Hi Sayida, you can find a selection of example interview questions with sample responses on our sister site PassMyInterview.com

      Get suggested answers for questions such as:
      – Describe a time when you had to adapt your communication style to get your message across?
      – When have you worked as part of a team to complete a difficult task?
      – How would you handle an upset or confused client who was in your care?

      Here: https://passmyinterview.com/healthcare-assistant-interview/

    • Gemma Butler says:

      Hi Saliya, unfortunately, we cannot guarantee exactly what questions you will be asked but this blog covers many of the common interview questions which you should prepare for.

    • Gemma Butler says:

      Hi Donna, I’m sorry – I don’t think we do. Can you tell me a little more about the unseen task and I will check if we have anything suitable for you?

    • Gemma Butler says:

      Hi Rabab, you may be asked questions such as:
      – Why do you want to work for the NHS?
      – Explain your understanding of safeguarding.
      – Tell me about a time when you had to solve a difficult situation.
      – How do you priorities multiple tasks that must be carried out at the same time?

    • Julia Adamska says:

      Hi Zoe! Thank you for your comment and congratulations on your interview! For this role, you might be asked the following questions:
      1. How would you handle an upset or confused client who was in your care?
      2. What types of specific care might you provide for an elderly client?
      3. How do you help a client maintain dignity while receiving personal care?

      I wish you the best of luck in your interview!😊

    • Julia Adamska says:

      Hi there! You might be asked the following questions:
      Why are your strengths?
      Do you have experience with newborns?
      How do you feel with working with newborns

  27. Ann says:

    Hi, I’ve applied for BSc in adult nursing in the UK and have been called for a group interview. I’ve only been called for one-to-one interviews so far by the unis so I’ve no idea how these are conducted or what kind of questions to prepare for. Kindly help. I have my interview in 2 days.

  28. Ellie says:

    Hi. I have 2 NHS Emergency Dispatch Assistant interviews coming up one with SCAS and one with Air Ambulance, both are Band 3. Any tips of questions that may come up would be greatly appreciated

  29. Ellie says:

    I have 2 NHS Emergency Dispatch Assistant interviews – one with a trust and one with an air ambulance. Both are Band 3. Ant tips as to the type of questions they are likely to ask please

  30. WR says:

    Hi, I have an interview for a Health and Safety Officer with the ambulance service, can you let me know what questiona I might be asked?

    thanks in advance!

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