Tell Me About A Time You Dealt With A Difficult Customer!

Tell Me About A Time You Dealt With A Difficult Customer

In this post, we will explain why the interviewer is asking you the question “Tell Me About A Time You Dealt With A Difficult Customer”. If you understand why the question is being asked, you can give the perfect, top-scoring answer. On top of this we will also show you the number one best method for structuring your answer to this, and any other behavioural interview question, that will get you the highest scores possible.  

Finally, we will give you a brilliant example scripted answer to the question, “Tell Me About A Time When You Dealt With A Difficult Customer” that will help you to be the standout candidate!


REASON #1 – If you haven’t previously dealt with a difficult customer then the interviewer can’t be sure you have the skills and qualities to match the job description. Therefore, it is essential you give a specific situation you have previously been in where you successfully dealt with a difficult customer.

REASON #2 – They want to assess how confident you are when dealing with difficult customers. Whilst it is important to go above and beyond to provide exceptional service for customers at all times, it is also important to be resilient and confident in your abilities.


The best method to use when answering behavioural questions such as this one, is called the STAR Technique.

 The STAR technique stands for, situation, task, action, and result.

  • Start off your answer by telling the interviewer the SITUATION you were faced with.
  • Second, tell the interviewer the TASK that needed doing.
  • Next, give specific details about the ACTION you took to achieve the task.
  • Finally, finish off your answer and tell the interviewer the RESULTS following your actions.


“SITUATION: A customer contacted me to ask for a refund because they were not happy with their purchase. Unfortunately, they did not have a receipt, and because they had paid cash for the product, I was unable to refund their order as this was against company policy. The customer became angry, and they threatened to leave a negative review online.

TASK: It was my task to remain calm and find a solution for the customer they were happy with.

ACTION: I maintained my position relating to the fact I could not refund their order. I suggested to the customer that they could either have replacement product, or a credit note against a future purchase. I then asked several questions about the type of product they wanted before suggesting alterative products we had available that would be more suited to their needs.

RESULT: Eventually, the customer calmed down and they agreed to exchange their purchase for a product they wanted. The customer then went online and left a glowing 5-sart review citing my professionalism whilst dealing with their situation.”

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