Royal Navy Officer Tests
Get INSTANT ACCESS NOW to 100s of online Royal Navy officer aptitude test questions! The most effective way to prepare for these tests is to try out lots of sample test questions at your own convenience. To help you do this, we have created an Online Royal Navy Officer Testing Suite that will provide you with 100s of sample test questions!
During the Royal Navy Officer Admiralty Interview Board (AIB), you will be required to undergo a series of tests that are designed to assess your ability to be trained as a manager and leader within the Royal Navy. During your preparation for AIB it is very important that you take the time to practice sample tests that will improve your scores.
Before you arrive at the AIB you will be sent a questionnaire to complete. This helps the Royal Navy make an initial assessment about you. Therefore, it is important that you complete the form as fully and accurately as possible. It is your chance to blow your own trumpet.
As soon as you arrive for your AIB, you will complete a multi-stage fitness test (commonly known as the bleep test). This is not a pass or fail test but you need to put in maximum effort and your performance will be graded. We strongly advise that you are capable of reaching at least level 10 of the bleep test.
You will sit the following Royal Navy Officer tests:
- A 20-minute verbal reasoning test designed to demonstrate your general reasoning and ability with words;
- A 13-minute non-verbal reasoning test, again measuring your reasoning power, but this time without the emphasis on verbal skills;
- A 25-minute numerical test covering numerical fluency, reasoning and statistics;
- A 15-minute speed and accuracy test, measuring your concentration and mental agility;
- A 15-minute spatial orientation test, involving directions, relative positions and movement;
- A short general service knowledge test to provide the Board with an indication of your research into the Royal Navy.

In order to help you prepare for the Royal Navy Officer tests, we have created an online testing suite.
When you purchase the Online Royal Navy Officer Testing suite you will get INSTANT access to 100s of different test questions that will go a long way to helping you PASS the real tests. Every month we add new test questions to keep you fresh and challenged.
Every week we receive testimonials from people who have successfully passed their Royal Navy Officer AIB after using this testing suite. Here’s just one of our many testimonials:
You will not find another testing suite anywhere that is guaranteed to increase your scores!
This testing suite includes the following practice tests:
- Numerical Reasoning Test 01
- Numerical Reasoning Test 02
- Numerical Reasoning Test 03
- Numerical Reasoning Test 04
- Numerical Reasoning Test 05
- Numerical Reasoning Test 06
- Numerical Reasoning Test 07
- Numerical Reasoning Test 08
- Numerical Reasoning Test 09
- Numerical Reasoning Test 10
- Numerical Reasoning Test 11
- Numerical Reasoning Test 12
- Numerical Reasoning Test 13
- Numerical Reasoning Test 14
- Spatial Reasoning Test 01
- Spatial Reasoning Test 02
- Spatial Reasoning Test 03
- Spatial Reasoning Test 04
- Spatial Reasoning Test 05
- Verbal Reasoning Test 01
- Verbal Reasoning Test 02
- Verbal Reasoning Test 03
- Verbal Reasoning Test 04
- Verbal Reasoning Test 05
- Verbal Reasoning Test 06
- Verbal Reasoning Test 07
- Verbal Reasoning Test 08
- Mechanical Comprehension Test 01
- Mechanical Comprehension Test 02
- Work Rate Test 01
royal navy officer TESTS
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This service requires a monthly payment of £9.99 + vat. You will be charged £9.99 + vat per month until you decide to cancel the service. In order to cancel your subscription simply contact us at and provide us with your order ID number and we will cancel your online service.
Free Bonus Item

Sign up to the Online Royal Navy Officer Testing Suite and receive your FREEcomprehensive 50-page Interview Workbook. Get started with your interview preparation by downloading this fantastic INSIDER’s guide to passing any interview. It contains lots of sample questions and it even gives you the answers!