Royal Navy Officer Interview Training
During the selection process for becoming a Royal Navy officer, you will be required to sit a number of interviews.
The first interview will be held at the Armed Forces Careers Office whilst the remaining interviews will be carried out as part of the Admiralty Interview Board (AIB).
The information on this website and our online Royal Navy Officer interview training will help you to score high at all interviews.
Current affairs are a very important area of your preparation. You must carry out plenty of research in relation to current affairs. Not only will you need it during the interview(s), but it will also assist you during the essay element of the AIB.
Here are a few important tips to help you research current affairs effectively:
Be careful what paper(s) you read. The type of paper you read will reflect you as a person. If you tell the interviewer that you are an avid reader of the Sun or the Daily Star, you may not be officer material. In the build up to AIB, try reading the Times, or another quality newspaper.
We would strongly recommend that you subscribe to ‘The Week’. This is a fantastic journal that will breakdown the week’s stories for you. This will save having to buy lots of different newspapers.
Consider reading The Economist. Once again, this is a quality journal that will provide you with lots of current affairs information.
Don’t just research affairs that are relevant to the Royal Navy or the Armed Forces in general. Other topics are just as important!
Royal Navy Officer Interview
The purpose of the current affairs section of the Admiralty Interview Board interview is designed to assess how informed you are of current global affairs. You should have a general view on each subject and have an understanding of why the issue is important. Try to have a general view of the whole world with knowledge of a number of issues and events.

- What is the subject?
- Why is it significant?
- What is your opinion on it?
Q. Take me on a tour of the world and tell me what’s caught your eye in the news recently.
Q. Tell me about 6 current affairs from abroad and six from home.
Q. Tell me about a news story from each continent.
The course offers exclusive training to improve the skills of applicants wanting to become a Royal Navy officer. This comprehensive online course is the only training available within the UK. It is guaranteed to increase your chances of passing the interview, including the AIB, by up to 100% – guaranteed!
During the first online training module your tutor will provide you with an in-depth explanation as to how you will be assessed during the Royal Navy officer interview. You will learn all about the Assessable Qualities and how the Royal Navy uses them to assess you. You will learn how to match each of the assessable areas during each stage of the interview.
During the second part of your online training course your tutor will provide you with insider tips and advice on how to prepare for the Royal Navy officer interview and also crucial tips on current affairs. During the interview you will be required to have an in-depth knowledge of current affairs. This course will ensure that you are fully prepared for every eventuality.
During your online training course you will be provided with a large number of sample interview questions. Not only that, but your tutor will also provide you with tips and advice on how to answer each particular question in order to gain higher scores. From motivational interview questions through to sample current affairs questions, this training module is perfect for anyone who is applying to become a Royal Navy officer.
The Royal Navy assessing staff will expect you to have learnt a tremendous amount of information that relates to the Royal Navy, the Ministry of Defence, the history of the Navy, your chosen trade or branch, current affairs issues, and organisational structure. Your course tutor, who is a former serving member of the Royal Navy, will provide you with an in-depth tutorial on where to find the information required in order to pass the interview.
The majority of candidates who pass the Royal Navy Officer interview and entire selection process have a number of common factors. These are as follows:
1. They believe in themselves The first factor is self-belief. Regardless of what anyone tells you, you can pass the Royal Navy Officer interview and you can achieve high scores. Just like any job of this nature, you have to be prepared to work hard in order to be successful. The biggest piece of advice we can give you is to concentrate on matching the assessable qualities that form part of the Admiralty Interview Board scoring criteria.
As part of our online training videos you will learn how you will be assessed during the Royal Navy Officer and also at the Admiralty Interview Board.
2. They prepare fully for Royal Navy Officer selection The second factor is preparation. Those people who achieve in life prepare fully for every eventuality and that is what you must do when you apply to become an Officer with the Royal Navy. Work very hard and especially concentrate on your weak areas.
Within this guide I have spoken a lot about preparation. Identify the areas that you are weak on and go all out to improve them. Learn how to pass the Royal Navy Officer interviews with our online video training suite.
This training module is suitable for both the Armed Forces Careers Office (AFCO) interview and also the Admiralty Interview Board (AIB) interview.