Royal Marines Fitness Training Manual
Royal Marines Commandos are some of the fittest men around. Their training is both tough, rigorous and gruelling. If you are applying to join the Royal Marines, or you simply want to train like them, the Royal Marines Fitness training manual is all you need.
Royal Marines Fitness Test
Your first full day will involve many activities and you will not have a minute to yourself. The day will begin at 6am, when you will have to get up, get showered, shaved, dressed and clean the room before going for breakfast. Your definition of a clean and tidy bedroom will probably be different to that of a Royal Marines Commando. However, they will soon let you know if the room isn’t clean and tidy! After a briefing from the Course Director you will take your first gym test.

The first part is a 1.5-mile run that is undertaken as part of a squad. This must be completed in a time of 12 minutes 30 seconds. The second part is a 1.5-mile run that is conducted on your own, and as a ‘best effort’ timed run. You must complete this as quickly as possible. Anyone who takes longer than 10 minutes 30 seconds will fail the course. During the squad element of the run we advise that you support other team members and encourage the weaker ones. Remember that you are running as part of a squad and they will be assessing not only your fitness, but your team working ability also. During the second element of the run, which is the best effort 1.5 miler, you must go all out to complete it within your fastest time possible. Note the word ‘effort’. They are looking for 110% during this run and you should be easily capable of completing it within a time of fewer than ten minutes.
You are required to reach level 13 during this part of the test, which is usually carried out during the afternoon of the first full day.
You will be required to perform 60 continuous press-ups within 2 minutes using the correct technique. The correct technique involves keeping the body straight at all times. During this part of the Royal Marines Fitness test, you will need to lower your chest down to meet another candidate’s fist. When you return back to the starting position you will need to fully lock out your arms. Your hands should be shoulder width apart and your elbows must be kept into your sides.
You will be required to perform 80 continuous sit-ups within 2 minutes, again using the correct technique. The correct technique involves your feet being held down by another candidate. Your fingers must stay in contact with the sides of your head and your elbows must make contact with the mat on the downward motion. On the upward motion, your elbows must come up to touch the knees, which must be kept together throughout the duration of the exercise.
You will be required to perform 6 pull-ups using an overhand grip. Your body will hang straight whilst holding on to a wooden beam. You must pull yourself up until your chin is over the beam. This exercise is carried out to the commands of “bend and stretch”, which is used to ensure discipline during the exercise and also prevent you from using swinging motions to pull yourself up. You must keep in time with the commands. This comprehensive training manual is packed full of step-by-step instructions on how to become as fit as the UK’s Royal Marines. It is written by Sean Lerwill, a serving Royal Marines Commando and it will teach you how to prepare for the Royal Marines Fitness Test.