Royal Navy recruiting test


100s of DAA practice questions proven to help you pass your royal navy test first time.

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Royal Navy recruiting test questions


100s of DAA practice questions proven to help you pass.

“This book was a Life Saver..! I can honestly say this was the main reason how I PASSED my recruitment test”
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Learn how to pass your Royal Navy DAA with this comprehensive NEW testing download guide. Packed full of sample questions, this ultimate guide will guarantee to improve your chances and enhance your performance.

Mechanical Comprehension test questions and answers;

Numerical Reasoning test questions and answers;

Verbal Reasoning test questions and answers;

 Spatial Reasoning test questions and answers;

 Electrical Comprehension test questions and answers;

 Work Rate test questions and answers;

Insider tips on how to easily pass the DAA.

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The Royal Navy – What they are looking for during the selection

Before we tell you more about how our resource will help you to pass the Royal Navy DAA, let’s first recap on what the navy are looking for in successful candidates:

The selection tests to join the Armed Forces are carefully designed in order to assess the key skills, qualities and personality that is required for a challenging, yet deeply rewarding career. It takes a special person to show the correct determination, will-power, fortitude and charisma for a job in the Armed Forces. Ultimately, this career path is not just a profession, it is a life choice. A life choice that you will need to embed into your daily routine.

A job in the royal Navy comes with great responsibility. Responsibilities that not only effect you, but your fellow colleagues, your family, and even your country. You will be responsible for upholding and maintaining security, protection and assistance to:

  • Protect and safeguarding procedures are carried out to guard our economy.
  • Prevent conflict from arising, particularly overseas.
  • Provide security for home and international waters to maintain stability and prosperities of British economy.
  • Maintaining a ‘state of readiness’ to protect and fight for our country when required.
  • Provides response when disaster strikes in order to aid humanitarian conditions.

In times of conflict, chaos and disruption, the Royal Navy plays a significant role in implementing safeguarding procedures that provides prosperity and stability for British economy. It takes a well-grounded person to understand the extent of challenges that come with a job in the Naval Service.

Considering a career in the Naval Service is the first step of changing your life forever. You need to fully grasp what is required for a person who wishes to pursue a career in the Armed Forces. You should not enter this decision lightly, you need to take the time to form a solid conclusion based on logical reasoning and thought processes.

In order to give you a better understanding of the type of person the Royal Navy is looking for, here are a list of some of the qualities and skills required to join the Armed Forces.

Remember, this list is not extensive. There are many other skills and qualities that recruiters look for in potential employees. Depending on the job position for which are applying, will depend on what skills are valued the most.

royal navy


Verbal Reasoning Airmen Selection Test Practice


The VERBAL REASONING TEST will determine how effectively you can interpret written information. You will have to answer 20 questions in a 15-minute time period.

Numerical Test

During the NUMERICAL TEST, which assesses how well you interpret numerical data, you will be required to answer 12 questions in 4 minutes and also 15 questions in 11 minutes. This is because there are two parts to the test. The two tests include charts, graphs and tables and also fractions, decimals and percentages.

Numerical Reasoning RAF Airman Selection Test Practice
Work Rate AST Practice


The WORK RATE TEST is utilised to see how fast you can work and also how accurate your work is. When working in the RAF you will be working with sophisticated equipment and it is essential that you can work quickly and safely. During this test you will have 4 minutes to answer 20 questions.


Mechanical Comprehension tests are an assessment that measures an individual’s ability to understand mechanical concepts. The tests are usually multiple-choice in nature and present simple, frequently encountered mechanisms and technical situations. The majority of Mechanical Comprehension tests require a working knowledge of basic mechanical operations and the application of physical laws.

Mechanical Aptitude AST Practice
Spatial Reasoning AST Practice


A SPATIAL REASONING TEST designed to examine your ability to work with different shapes and objects. During this test you will have just 4 minutes to answer 10 questions.


An ELECTRICAL COMPREHENSION TEST which will assess your ability to work with different electrical concepts. During this test you will have 11 minutes to complete 21 questions.

Electrical Comprehension AST Practice


  • 100s of sample test questions to help you get ready for the DAA.
  • Questions that are guaranteed to be very similar to the ones you will actually sit during the real Defence Aptitude Assessment.
  • Advice and tips included that have been written by a former member of the Armed Forces.
  • Up-to-date and relevant for the 2025 selection tests.
  • Mechanical, electrical, verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, spatial reasoning and work rate test questions.
Start Preparing Now 👉


The Royal Navy Defence Aptitude Assessment (DAA) will specifically assess a candidate’s academic and intellectual knowledge in an array of topic areas. These topics are chosen, so that recruiters are able to identify the skillset in which a person possesses, and whether it tailors to the specifications of the job role.

For the DAA, the test will be separated into four key areas. All of which, will need to be passed in order to move on to the next stage of the assessment. These tests will measure your skill level in the following areas:

  • Spatial Reasoning
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Numerical Reasoning
  • Mechanical Comprehension
  • Electrical Comprehension
  • Work Rate Test

You are ultimately being tested to decipher your intellectual, critical and technical abilities. These tests are primarily used to evaluate your overall performance in order to understand where your strengths and weaknesses lie, and demonstrate how well you can cope with the technical and demanding nature within the Naval Service.

The tests are usually carried out at the Armed Forces Careers Office and will be under strict timed conditions. Details of the time restrictions and number of questions per exercise will be provided in your recruitment literature. Your recruitment literature is key! Make sure you take the time to thoroughly read through the whole resource so you are fully aware of the expectations of your assessment. The pass mark for the Royal Navy Recruiting test will very much depend on the technical ability level required for the post for which you are applying; although a pass mark of 50% is normally sufficient for the majority of branches.


Verbal Reasoning

(20 questions, to be completed in 15 minutes)

Numerical Reasoning

(27 questions, to be completed in 15 minutes)

Spatial Reasoning

(10 questions, to be completed in 4 minutes)

Mechanical Comprehension

(20 questions, to be completed in 10 minutes)

Electrical Comprehension

(21 questions, to be completed in 11 minutes)

Work Rate Test

(20 questions, to be completed in 4 minutes)

The only way to prepare for your Royal Navy Defence Aptitude Assessment is simply through practising. We have provided you with the ultimate guide that will allow you to practice 100s of sample questions in each specific area of the assessment.

Below, we have illustrated the types of questions that can be found in our guide, which will be similar to those found on your DAA assessment. Take the time to look at these examples.


  • 100s of sample test questions to help you get ready for the defence aptitude assessment.
  • Questions that are guaranteed to be very similar to the ones you will actually sit during the real Royal Navy selection test.
  • Advice and tips included that have been written by a former member of the Armed Forces.
  • Up-to-date and relevant for the 2025 selection tests.
  • Mechanical comprehension, verbal ability, numerical reasoning and reasoning tests and more!
Start Preparing Now 👉

Sample Royal Navy DAA Questions

To help you get a better understanding of the Royal Navy recruiting test, let’s take a quick look at a few sample questions.


Numerical reasoning skills are assessed to determine a candidate’s ability to process numbers and data and perform mathematical calculations.


If a woman walks for 6 hours at a pace of 4km/h, how far will she have walked?

A. 20km

B. 21km

C. 22km

D. 23km

E. 24km

ANSWER = E, 24km. To work this answer out all you need to do is multiply the 6 hours by the 4 km/h to reach the total of 24 km. Remember that she is walking at a pace of 4 km per hour for a total of 6 hours.

Verbal Reasoning is the ability to analyse and comprehend information. The Navy selection process uses this form of aptitude test as a way of measuring candidates’ ability to read through information and ‘pick out’ key information.


Read the following passage and answer the related question.

Although there is not a clear cause for abdominal pain in children, it may be a symptom of emotional disturbance, especially where it appears in conjunction with phobias or sleep disorders such as nightmares or sleep- walking.

It may also be linked to eating habits: a study carried out in the USA found that children with pain tended to be fussier about what and how much they ate, and to have over-anxious parents who spent a considerable amount of time trying to persuade them to eat.

Although abdominal pain had previously been linked to excessive milk-drinking, this research found that children with pain drank rather less milk than those in the control group.

Question 1: Abdominal pain in children is caused by eating too much?

A. True

B. False

C. Impossible to Say

ANSWER = C = Impossible to Say

The passage does not state whether or not abdominal pain is caused by eating too much, therefore this must be considered ‘Impossible to Say’

The Spatial Reasoning part of your Royal Navy DAA is to assess a candidate’s ability to visualise movement or rotation of shapes and visual images:


EXPLANATION: If you stack the shapes correctly as per letters on the middle shape, the shape on the right hand side will sit directly on top of the middle shape, whereas the triangular shape on the left hand side will sit up against the ‘B’ side of the middle shape, this forms the answer B.
ANSWER: B is the correct answer.

Mechanical Comprehension tests are an assessment that measures an individual’s ability to understand mechanical concepts. The tests are usually multiple-choice in nature and present simple, frequently encountered mechanisms and technical situations. The majority of Mechanical Comprehension tests require a working knowledge of basic mechanical operations and the application of physical laws.


A lever consists of a bar which is balanced on a fixed point, known as the fulcrum. If you needed to lift the weight, you need to work out how to calculate the force needed.


F = (weight x distance from fulcrum to weight) ÷ distance from fulcrum to point where force is being applied.

F = (80 x 9) ÷ 12

F = 720 ÷ 12

F = 60 lbs

ANSWER = 60 lbs

What is the voltage across the battery?

A. 3.5V

B. 12.25V

C. 7V

D. 1.25V

C = 7V
The circuit contains two elements that share the voltage. Therefore, the overall voltage of the battery is as follows: 3.5 + 3.5 = 7V.

During the DAA, you will be required to undertake a Work Rate Test. This form of test assesses your ability to work quickly and accurately whilst carrying out routine tasks;

QUESTION 1: Which of the answers below is an alternative to the code 4H9?


ANSWER: D is the correct answer. (Red square original code. Green circle alternate code from same column.

Pass the DAA. First time.

Crafted for everyone, no matter your skill level or background, this practice tests workbook was made to help you achieve one goal: to pass your DAA.

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Pass the Royal Navy Defence Aptitude Assessment. First time.

Crafted for everyone, no matter your skill level or background, this practice tests workbook was made to help you achieve one goal: to pass your DAA.

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Having helped 1,000s of aspiring Royal Navy candidates for over 16 years, it is no wonder our customers love us…


Brilliant book, if you are thinking of joining the Royal Nsvy this book will certainly help you with the test, explaining all the answers to the questions.. – How2Become customer.

Excellent! Easy to read and understand, answers are at the end of each section. If you’re thinking of joining the Navy or want more help with psychometric tests then this is worth buying.

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This book was a Life Saver..! I can honestly say this was the main reason how I PASSED my recruitment test. – How2become customer.

Son smashed the test having practiced first buy it if you are serious about joining one less thing to worry about, my boy goes on his life adventure soon.


Online Test Questions and Answers
  • 100s of sample test questions to help you get ready for the Defence Aptitude Assessment.
  • Questions that are guaranteed to be very similar to the ones you will actually sit during the real Royal Navy DAA.
How to Complete an Application Form Icon
  • Advice and tips included that have been written by a former member of the Armed Forces.
Competencies Icon
  • Written in conjunction with currently serving Royal Navy Technicians.
  • Up-to-date and relevant for the 2025 selection tests.
How you will be assessed Icon
  • Mechanical, electrical comprehension and work rate test questions.
  • Lots of verbal, numerical and spatial reasoning questions.
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✓ 100s of sample test questions to help you get ready for the defence aptitude assessment;
✓ Questions that are guaranteed to be very similar to the ones you will actually sit during the real Royal Navy selection test;
✓ Advice and tips included that have been written by a former member of the Armed Forces;
✓ Written in conjunction with currently serving Royal Navy Technicians;
✓ Up-to-date and relevant for the 2025 selection tests;
✓ Mechanical, electrical comprehension and work rate test questions;
✓ Lots of verbal, numerical and spatial reasoning questions;
Plus 30-days FREE ACCESS to the Royal Navy online testing suite. Thereafter, just £5.95 +vat per month. No minimum term. You may cancel anytime. Cancel before the 30-days are up and you will not be charged.?
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Firstly, these guides are created by us and our team of experts – we have all the answers to your questions and will help you succeed (like we’ve been doing for the last 16 years), we update our material frequently and you can contact us at any time with any questions you have.

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Thirdly, our guides and training just work. Take a look at our TrustPilot page where you will see our rating of 4.9/5. There, our customers share their positive buying experiences and more importantly the time-saving success our resources have given them (hint: they passed their DAA).

Finally, we have eliminated all risk for you. All of our online training resources are protected by our 30-day, no questions asked, money back guarantee. Whatever the reason…or no reason at all…you can have a full refund if this training isn’t right for you. So there is no risk.

RAF AST Test Practice Questions and Answers Workbook

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