Dear Sir/Madam, Welcome to Interview Skills: your new definitive guide on how to pass a job interview. This guide has been designed to help you prepare for and pass any type of job interview. The author of this guide, Richard McMunn, has been successful at over 95% of interviews he has attended.You will find his guidance both highly informative and an invaluable tool in your pursuit to passing your job interview. Interviews can be a very nerve-wracking experience. The way to overcome those nerves is to embark on a period of intensive preparation in the build up to your interview. The majority of employers will assess you predominantly against the job description or the person specification for the job that you are applying for. Whilst reading this guide we advise that you have a copy of these important documents at your side. If you would like any further assistance with your preparation for any kind of job interview, assessment centre or selection process, then we offer a wide range or products and training courses at the website: Finally, you won’t achieve much in life without hard work, determination and perseverance. Work hard, stay focused and be what you want!
Good luck and best wishes,
The How2Become Team
For the vast majority of people, interviews are a nerve-wracking experience. At the very least, they are something that you could probably do without, right? This book is aimed at changing your entire mindset towards interviews and, more importantly, making you believe that success is in your own hands . I’ve enjoyed a fantastic career during my life so far. I’ve been an Aircraft Engineer in the Royal Navy, an Officer in the Fire Service and now an entrepreneur and published author. I left school with very few qualifications but I was determined not to let this lack of educational achievement get in the way of being successful. During my time in the Fire Service I passed many promotional interviews. I was successful at over 95% of interviews that I attended. My success wasn’t down to luck, or some miracle ‘interview success gene’, but rather adopting the correct approach to both my interview preparation and also the interview itself. During this guide I will teach you how to implement my success formula into your own life. I suggest that you use it every time you go to interview. The majority of people believe that you have to answer every interview question correctly in order to get the job. This couldn’t be further from the truth.Yes it is important to demonstrate during an interview that you have both the subject knowledge of the role you are applying for, and also knowledge about the organisation you are applying to join, but it is just as important to work on your interview technique and your ‘likeability’ factor. When I prepare for any interview I will always split my preparation up into three different areas. These are:
- Interview technique
- Research
- Responding to the interview questions
If I work on all of these three elements in equal measures, then I will have the confidence and knowledge to pass the interview. When I walk through that door into the interview room, I only have one thing on my mind – impressing the panel sufficiently that they will have to give me the job! During this guide I will teach you how to comprehensively cover all three of these areas. So, you will probably be able to tell that my mindset, both prior and during the interview, is one of confidence and self-belief. These two factors are very important in helping you to pass the interview. By the time you’ve finished reading this guide you will have both of them, and in copious amounts too. I strongly believe that passing interviews is like riding a bike – once you know how it never leaves you. Take the time to study the contents of this guide carefully, and then go and pass your interview with flying colours ! Best wishes,
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained within this guide is accurate at the time of publication. How2Become Ltd is not responsible for anyone failing their interview as a result of the information contained within this guide. How2Become Ltd and their authors cannot accept any responsibility for any errors or omissions within this guide, however caused. No responsibility for loss or damage occasioned by any person acting, or refraining from action, as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by How2Become Ltd.