How2Become Online firefighter testing suite


Practice mechanical reasoning, numerical reasoning, situational judgement, written test, and verbal reasoning test questions.

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How2Become Online firefighter tests


Practice mechanical reasoning, numerical reasoning, situational judgement, written test, and verbal reasoning test questions.

“This fire fighter test pack is amazing, it has already made me feel i have an edge over candidates that would be going for this position that hasn’t had this info.” How2Become customer 
How2Become Reviews 5 Star Rating from TrustPilot

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The online firefighter tests is an effective way for candidates who want to become a firefighter to prepare for the selection process.

The role of a firefighter involves an ability to think on ones feet, make sensible and fast decisions, as well as being able to work effectively with numbers and also be spatially aware.

An online firefighter testing suite to ensure that you are fully prepared for the Firefighter tests!


  • The firefighter tests that form part of the selection process are designed to assess your ability to carry out the tasks of a firefighter safely and competently.
  • The only real way to prepare for the tests is to carry out lots of prcatice with sample tests that are very similar to the firefighter tests you will encounter during the actual assessment day.
  • As part of the firefighter selection process you will be required to pass a comprehensive written test which includes a Situational Awareness and Problem Solving test, a Working with Numbers test and an Understanding Information test. Some fire & rescue services also test mechanical comprehension.


In the weeks before your firefighter test, work hard to improve your skills in the testing areas. Try out as many test questions as possible and make sure you learn from your mistakes. The downloadable resource on this page contains 100s of sample Firefighter assessment questions and answers, that are guaranteed to help you become more prepared and improve your scores.

Firefighter Interview Tip 1


Get a good night’s sleep before the test day and don’t drink any alcohol or caffeine in the build up to the tests. It is important that you drink plenty or water in order to keep yourself hydrated.


On the morning of the test, get up early and have a final run through a number of sample test questions, just to get your brain working.

How to pass the firefighter assessment tests tip 2


Eat a good healthy breakfast such as bran flakes and a chopped up banana. Don’t eat anything too heavy that will make you feel bloated or sluggish – remember, you want to be at your best.


Whilst not essential, we recommend you wear a smart formal outfit for the testing day. The reason for this is simply because the majority of candidates will be casually dressed. It is better to stand out for the right reasons. A member of the testing staff might just be on the interview panel.

How to pass the firefighter assessment tests tip 4
How to pass the firefighter assessment tests tip 5


Check the news for any potential traffic problems and leave in good time to arrive at the test centre with plenty of time to spare. Take a small bottle of water with you to help keep you hydrated.


Get the edge now from only £9.99 + vat!

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The most effective way to prepare for these tests is to try out lots of sample test questions at your own convenience. We have created an Online Testing suite that will provide you with 100s of sample test questions!

When you purchase the Online Testing suite you will get INSTANT access to 100s of different test questions that will go a long way to helping you PASS the real test.

Sample Firefighter Test Questions

To help you get a better understanding of the firefighter test, let’s take a quick look at a few sample questions.

FREE | 5 Questions
Firefighter Assessment Test Practice Questions

Question 01 - Working With Numbers

A firefighter had 38 minutes of air in her cylinder when she entered the fire at 16.02. The time is now 16.06. How much air does she have left?

A. 4 minutes
B. 34 minutes
C. 36 minutes
D. 14 minutes

Read the following passage before answering the question below based on the information provided.

During phase 1 training, firefighters will learn the basic foundations of the role, including the use of firefighting hose, the use of ladders and the use of pumps. 35% of phase 1 training is classroom based, with the remainder taking place on the drill ground or training areas. once the firefighter has successfully completed phase 1 training, they will then commence the training of wearing breathing apparatus.

Q. 75% of Phase 1 training takes place on the drill ground or training areas.

A. True
B. False
C. Cannot say

You are attending an incident that involves a fire in a warehouse. You notice that the fire is starting to spread to a neighbouring building. What would you do?

A. Quickly run over to where the fire is spreading and shout for help.
B. Stay calm, carry out an assessment of the situation, write down what I see and then pass all details on to my line manager so he can decide what to do next.
C. Immediately inform my line manager of the situation and start to tackle the fire in order to prevent it from spreading any further, in line with operational procedures and training.
D. Inform my line manager and then wait for back up to arrive before taking any action.

A Customer Charter is a statement as to how a company will deliver a quality customer service. The main purpose of a Customer Charter is to inform customers of the standards of service to expect, what to do if something goes wrong and how to make a complaint. In addition to this a Customer Charter also helps employees by setting out clearly defined standards of how they should perform within the organisation in relation to customer service delivery.

Whilst not a legal requirement, a Customer Charter is an ideal way of helping organisations define with their customers, and others, what that service should be and the standard that should be expected. The charter will also help customers get the most from an organisation’s services, including how to make a complaint if they are dissatisfied with any aspect of service or if they have ideas for improvement.

Q. A Customer Charter is a legal requirement within an organisation.
A. True
B. False
C. Cannot say

How much force is required to lift the bucket?

How2Become Mechanical Comprehension Pully Sample Question

A. 100 kg
B. 50 kg
C. 25 kg


C. Immediately inform my line manager of the situation and start to tackle the fire in order to prevent it from spreading any further, in line with operational procedures and training.

Wavey Background How2Become Career Guide


  • Instant Online Access
  • 100s of Practice Questions and Answers
  • Practice all of the Firefighter test questions under timed conditions using our online testing suite
  • Compatible on Mobiles, Tablets and Computers
  • Scores are tracked so you can focus on areas that need improvement
  • Get Instant Access now for only £9.99+ VAT

Please note: the online testing suite service is automatically charged at just £9.99 plus vat per month with no minimum term. You can cancel anytime by contacting us at [email protected]. See our terms and conditions for more details.

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Wavey Background How2Become Career Guide


  • Instant Online Access
  • 100s of Practice Questions and Answers
  • Practice all of the Firefighter test questions under timed conditions using our online testing suite
  • Compatible on Mobiles, Tablets and Computers
  • Scores are tracked so you can focus on areas that need improvement
  • Get Instant Access now for only £9.99+ VAT

Please note: the online testing suite service is automatically charged at just £9.99 plus vat per month with no minimum term. You can cancel anytime by contacting us at [email protected]. See our terms and conditions for more details.

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Pass the Firefighter Assessment Tests. First Time.

Crafted for everyone, no matter your skill level or background, this online testing suite was made to help you achieve one goal: successfully pass the fire and rescue service selection tests.

How to Become a Police Officer Guide Features

Pass the Firefighter Assessment Tests. First Time.

Crafted for everyone, no matter your skill level or background, this online testing suite was made to help you achieve one goal: successfully pass the fire and rescue service selection tests.

Customer Success Stories

Having helped 1,000s of aspiring firefighters for over 16 years, it is no wonder our customers love us…


Good information and very helpful tips – would recommend.


Useful and informative with lots of tips and extras – makes you think and question yourself. – very helpful.

This book is an excellent training aid for anyone deciding to apply for a career in the fire service. 


This fire fighter test pack is amazing, it has already made me feel i have an edge over candidates that would be going for this position that hasn’t had this info. 

Used this to prepare for my entry tests with the fire service. It’s very good and it come from a retired firefighter so the information included is very helpful.


The Complete Firefighter Recruitment Process Icon
  • 100s of sample test questions to help you get ready for your firefighter assessment.
Job Search Icon
  • Questions that are guaranteed to be very similar to the ones you will actually sit during the real assessment centre.
Firefighter Application Form Icon
  • Advice and tips included that have been written by a former member of the emergency services.
Firefighter Application Form Success Icon
  • Written in conjunction with former serving firefighters.
  • Up-to-date for 2024 and includes all of the assessment tests you might face.
In-depth Knowledge Icon
  • Lots of verbal ability and numerical ability questions which include graphs, charts, fractions and decimals.
Complete Breakdown Icon
  • Mechanical reasoning practice questions.
Firefighter Careers Icon
  • Suitable for all UK fire and rescue services.

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Pass your firefighter tests today. Trusted by 10,000s of customers worldwide.

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Online Firefighter Testing Suite: £9.99 + vat per month
plus VAT

✓ Instant access;
✓ Advice and tips included that have been written by a former member of the emergency services;
✓ 100s of practice questions and answers;
✓ Practice all of the Firefighter test questions under timed conditions using our online testing suite;
✓ Compatible on mobiles, tablets and computers;
✓ Scores are tracked so you can focus on areas that need improvement.
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Firstly, these guides are created by us and our team of experts – we have all the answers to your questions and will help you succeed (like we’ve been doing for the last 16 years), we update our material frequently and you can contact us at any time with any questions you have.

Secondly, we provide exclusive bonuses with all our products that you won’t find anywhere else. These bonuses include free guides, powerful online testing suites and more!

Finally, our guides and training just work. Take a look at our TrustPilot page where you will see our rating of 4.9/5. There, our customers share their positive buying experiences and more importantly the time-saving success our resources have given them (hint: they are now firefighters).

How2Become firefighter tests testing suite online resource


We’ve helped 1,000s of aspiring applicants in their journey to becoming firefighters across the UK. Trust the UK’s #1 careers and education specialists to help you secure your role.

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“I have been trying to become a firefighter for 2 years now and was unaware of the amount of information you need to research before applying this is yet another wonderful example of how you can train In preparation to becoming a fire-fighter. . .a must buy. . . Invaluable!”