How to pass KS2 English comprehension download


In-depth revision advice for ages 7-11 on the SATS curriculum

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How to pass KS2 English comprehension


In-depth revision advice for ages 7-11 on the SATS curriculum

“My son loves this book, he finds it hugely beneficial.” – How2Become customer
How2Become Reviews 5 Star Rating from TrustPilot



Created with the new national curriculum in mind, this easy-to-read and unique guide will go a long way in preparing your child for their Key Stage 2 English SATs examinations. What makes this guide different to all of the ones out there, is that we have made sure to create a guide that children will benefit from. In order to do this, we felt as though it needed something EXTRA, which is where our superheroes come in!

Our superheroes FLY through pages of this guide, and teaches children English skills and comprehension in a fun and interactive way. This guide is guaranteed to improve learning ability and concentration, which will help parents prepare their child for their English SATs.

Key Stage 2 English Is Easy – English Comprehension is a FUN and UNIQUE guide for any children who want to score highly in their English SATs.

This guide is packed full of parental guidance, key terms and definitions, examples and information and lots of practice questions for you and your child to work through, at a pace that suits you.

How2Become have done their utmost to provide you with a guide that will not disappoint. If you want to secure high scores and improve your child’s intellectual ability in regards to English, then look no further – we are all you need!


In the English Comprehension assessment, children will be given 3 passages, of which they must answer questions in relation to each passage.

These passages can be anything, and won’t be known until the child sits the paper. However, the best way to practice for such questions is to undergo similar practice questions to ensure your child improves their comprehension.

The passages can be literature based on any of the following:

How2Become KS2 English Fiction


There are many different types of fiction:

  • Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Horror
  • Science Fiction (Sci-Fi)
  • Mystery
  • Realistic
  • Historical
  • Folktales
  • Adventure
  • Sports
  • Humour
  • Classics


Non-fiction is writing based on facts and real-life events. This provides readers with information that should be taken as factual and accurate.

There are many different types of texts that are non-fiction:

  • Instruction texts
  • Explanation texts
  • Persuasive texts
  • Discussion texts
  • Recount texts
  • Non-chronological texts
How2Become KS2 English Non-Fiction
How2Become KS2 English Poetry


Poetry is another form of literary writing.

Poems are often written to express feelings, thoughts of ideas. The subject of the poem will depend on what type of poem it is.

Below is a list of the types of poems you will be expected to know for your Key Stage 2 English SATs.

  • Sonnet
  • Narrative
  • Tanka
  • Limerick
  • Cinquain
  • Couple
  • Haiku
  • Acrostic
  • Ode
  • Free verse


A play is a form of literature that is written by a playwright, which is intended to be performed on stage, radio, TV or film.

The layout of a script is really important. Apart from looking aesthetically pleasing, it needs to be clear and look like a play script.

Two main features of a play include:

  • Character dialogue;
  • Stage directions.

A play is broken up into different scenes. These scenes act similarly to chapters in a book.

The scenes also allow for intermission, so that the audience (if being performed lived) can have a short break.

These scenes make up an act.

How2Become KS2 English Plays


  • A breakdown of types of comprehension – this revision guide recaps information regarding fiction, non-fiction, poetry and play texts.
  • Lots of PRACTICE questions – this guide contains lots and lots of sample questions, using a range of passages to widen your child’s knowledge.
  • Fun loving characters – our Key Stage 2 guides introduce our superhero characters which are used to make English more interactive and demonstrate when important tips are being given.
  • Answers to every question – we have provided all of the answers, so you and your child can work through the booklet together and see which questions they are getting right and which ones they need to work on.
  • Interaction – this revision guide continuously gets your child’s mind working in different ways to understand the basics of English comprehension.
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Sample KS2 English Questions

To help you get a better understanding of what the English SAT involves, let’s take a quick look at a few sample questions.

FREE | 3 Questions
KS2 English Test Practice Questions


He opened his eyes, pupils dilated. They were so intense that even a gust of air would not make him blink. Slowly, Freddie reached into his pocket and pulled out what appeared to be a torch. With his eyes still transfixed, he clicked the button. After a few seconds, he clicked it again.

Now stood there, was a man all in green; a long, silk cape which hovered above the floor, an eye mask that made his eyes look as black as coal and boots that, although appeared to look ‘normal’, had hidden features that placed him in a very strong position against all odds.

“It’s time…It’s time to get back to solving crime!” Freddie had not realised how loud he said this, and caused everyone to come to a complete silence.

He grinned slightly and said “I’ve got this…”

The author uses a simile in the extract. What are the exact words of the simile?

Discovering Dinosaurs by How2Become.


The name Triceratops can be broken down into two – ‘tri’ meaning three, and ‘ceratops’ meaning horned face.

These dinosaurs lived in the late Cretaceous Period. It required its three horns in order to protect themselves from predators. These herbivores were about 8 metres in length and 3 metres in height. The skull of a Triceratops could grow to an astonishing 2 metres in length.

The dinosaur had strong stubby legs to support their heavy bodies. They had a sharp, parrot-like beak and a bony frill which acted as a guard to support their necks.

What does ‘Triceraptor’ mean? How does this dinosaur use this to their advantage?

There once was a turtle named Joe,

Considered the slowest of the slow.

He entered the race,

With slow as his pace,

On your marks, get set, go!

Describe the rhythm of this poem.

Extract from Blaze and the Crystal Diadem by How2Become.


[Enter BLAZE and Preston. Blaze is a boy no older than 15 but is known for all manners of trouble. Flickers of yellows, oranges and reds pour from his hands in anger and frustration. Preston is a sweet, polite boy who’s aim is to make the world a safer place].

BLAZE. Remember me! For I am your own worst enemy. You stand no chance against the Almighty Blaze.

PRESTON. It’s not too late Blaze. You can stop all of this now. Don’t make it any worse for yourself.

What do the colours in this extract symbolise?


“His eyes look as black as coal.”

A simile is used to describe one thing and comparing it to the likes of another.

The name ‘Triceraptor’ can be broken down into two parts. ‘Tri’ means three. ‘Keraptors’ means horn faced. Therefore, this type of dinosaur is known for their three horns on their head. This type of dinosaur uses its three horns as a way of protecting themselves from predators.

The poem uses rhyming words to create a beat. The last word of the first, second and last line rhyme. The third and fourth line rhyme.

The colours red, orange and yellow indicate an inferno, flames/fire. This suggests that there is conflict in the narrative. It suggests anger, pain or even death.


  • A breakdown of types of comprehension – this revision guide recaps information regarding fiction, non-fiction, poetry and play texts.
  • Lots of PRACTICE questions – this guide contains lots and lots of sample questions, using a range of passages to widen your child’s knowledge.
  • Fun loving characters – our Key Stage 2 guides introduce our superhero characters which are used to make English more interactive and demonstrate when important tips are being given.
  • Answers to every question – we have provided all of the answers, so you and your child can work through the booklet together and see which questions they are getting right and which ones they need to work on.
  • Interaction – this revision guide continuously gets your child’s mind working in different ways to understand the basics of English comprehension.
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Pass Your KS2 English Test. First Time.

Crafted for everyone, no matter your skill level or background, this download was made to help you achieve one goal: pass your test.


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Pass Your KS2 English Test. First Time.

Crafted for everyone, no matter your skill level or background, this download was made to help you achieve one goal: pass your test.

Customer Success Stories

Having helped 1,000s of people pass their assessment tests for over 16 years, it is no wonder our customers love us…

This book is brilliant! Great for children, parents and teachers!

My son loves this book, he finds it hugely beneficial.

 Sections on things children need to understand to get good marks. This is a big help making this book better than just doing past exam papers.

Content is very useful and questions well structured.

I recently purchased this book for my 10 year old, it is very easy to understand and and covers all the topics that are relevant in just the right level of detail for her age group. I would highly recommend this book.


Complete guidance to ensure you pass the tests.

Written Test Questions and Answers Icon
  • The English curriculum broken down into clear, easy-to-read chapters.
Medical and Fitness Tests Icon
  • A step-by-step look at English comprehension in a fun and engaging way.
How you will be assessed Icon
  • Guidance for parents – track your child’s progress with ease.
Competencies Icon
  • Fun characters to make learning enjoyable.
  • Plenty of questions for children to work through, and easy-to-understand
    explanations detailing how to get the correct answer.
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  • 100s of additional practice questions to help boost your scores!
  • Practice all of the test questions under timed conditions using our online testing suite.
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  • Compatible on mobiles, tablets and computers.
  • Scores are tracked so you can focus on areas that need improvement.

Important: This powerful free trial costs £9.99 + vat every month for everyone else! You will get unrestricted access to all of the quick-win strategies to give you the advantage right away.

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Pass your KS2 English exam with ease. Trusted by 10,000s of customers worldwide.

KS2 English is Easy Comprehension Download
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✓ Advice for both your child and you;
✓ Up-to-date with the new national curriculum;
✓ English taught in a fun and engaging way with superhero characters; An easy to follow breakdown of each topic;
✓ Questions, games and quizzes to track progress of your child;
✓ Detailed example questions – all of the key information your child will need to learn for their KS2 English SATs exam;
✓ Fun loving characters – our Key Stage 2 guides introduce our superhero characters which are used to make English more interactive and fun;
✓ Interaction – this revision guide continuously gets your child's mind working in different ways to understand the basics of English Comprehension.
Plus 30-days FREE ACCESS to the Educational online testing suite. Thereafter, just £5.95 +vat per month. No minimum term. You may cancel anytime. Cancel before the 30-days are up and you will not be charged.?
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Firstly, these guides are created by us and our team of experts – we have all the answers to your questions and will help you succeed (like we’ve been doing for the last 16 years), we update our material frequently and you can contact us at any time with any questions you have.

Secondly, we provide exclusive bonuses with all our products that you won’t find anywhere else. These bonuses include free guides, powerful online testing suites and more!

Finally, our guides and training just work. Take a look at our TrustPilot page where you will see our rating of 4.9/5. There, our customers share their positive buying experiences and more importantly the time-saving success our resources have given them (hint: they passed their assessment).

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“Great variety of question types, exposes areas of weakness and gives you the means to improve. Clear and concise. Confidence builder. Great practice!”