Rapid Study Skills for Students: How to Study with Dyslexia contains detailed advice and guidance to do with the learning techniques you can use to work as efficiently as possible, and get the grades you deserve.
Open up this download to discover how you should timetable as much as possible, approach assignments, and deal with the preparation and stress of exams.
‘Dyslexia’ is a specific learning difficulty that affects how people interact with words and numbers. For this reason, it can make studying difficult. Dyslexia can inhibit reading comprehension, and make people have to work extremely hard to understand what they’re reading. It can also affect a student’s writing.
Dyslexics will usually have to work a lot harder to put sentences together than non-dyslexics. Despite this, dyslexia is not categorised as a disability because it has no relationship with intelligence.
This difficulty with reading and writing stems from the fact that dyslexia interferes with the ability to ‘decode’ words and sentences. This means that you may struggle to identify the relationship between the letters used to spell a word and the sounds that they represent.
Also, it may prove a challenge for you to ‘break words down’ and get to grips with why some words are formed and spelled the way they are. It may be difficult for people with dyslexia to become aware of word structure, and learn about word elements such as prefixes or suffixes.
However, this is not a comprehensive defintion of dyslexia – it can have many other effects. Also, dyslexics may not experience all the symptoms listed above.
Below is a breakdown of the key study elements that are covered in this pocketbook.
What to include
Finding your learning style
Using technology
Other ways to learn
Before you start reading
Technological options
Dyslexia-friendly font
Realistic goals
First and second drafts
Referencing and formatting
Proofreading and avoiding plagiarism
Practising writing
Keep calm
Exam technique
For people with dyslexia, learning can feel like an uphill battle. While education on the subject and support for specific learning difficulties is at an all-time high, many students may still not have been taught some of the techniques that they can use to give themselves a helping hand when needed.
Depending on the learning difficulty you may have, you will prefer to work in different ways. This is something that you may know already, or even be something that you still need to explore. Discovering how you work most comfortably is not always easy, so it is important that you take your time and experiment to find what works best.
No matter what level of study you are at, from school to university, or if you’re working towards any other qualifications, inside this book you’ll find learning and revising methods that are best suited how you learn, however that may be.
Always, be sure to ensure that you are receiving all the support you are entitled to while studying, whether that be extra time in exams, or sessions with a specialist.

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