How2Become how to pass the civil service fast stream tests download


Sample test questions for the Fast Stream Civil Service Tests.

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How2Become how to pass the civil service fast stream tests


Sample test questions for the Fast Stream Civil Service Tests.

How2Become Reviews 5 Star Rating from TrustPilot

Civil Service Fast Stream Tests 2nd Edition Download


The Civil Service Fast Stream Tests are used as a talent and management programme for graduates that show the signs of becoming leaders within the Civil Service. The Civil Service is highly demanding, and has a range of roles and job opportunities. The FAST STREAM way into gaining a job in the Civil Service is highly demanding and highly competitive.

In order for you to stand a chance at qualifying, you need to have a full understanding of what is expected when it comes to the tests which you will have to take. These tests are designed to test candidate’s abilities, skills, knowledge and experience, in particular, situations.

The Civil Service is a contemporary and diverse workplace that is committed to promoting and ensuring equality and fairness throughout the country. They act as part of the Government who instigate quality and diversity between the Government and the general public. They ensure that they are able to reflect and enhance the experiences of social, cultural and economical changes within society in order to provide a stable and secure system.

Civil Service Fast Stream Tests 2nd Edition Download


There are a variety of job roles that you can apply for within the Civil Service Fast Stream. Each job role requires different skills and knowledge, and so you should try to tailor your skills to a job that would be rightly suited to you.

Here is a list of some of the jobs you may wish to apply for within the Fast Stream Civil Service:

  • Generalist options = diplomatic services, houses of parliament, science and engineering, central departments
  • Analytical options = economist, statistician, operational researcher, social researcher
  • Commercial options = finance, internal audit, commercial
  • Government options = communications
  • Human Resources options
  • European options
  • Digital and Technology options

Each option may have slightly different assessments, but they will remain similar and test similar skills and abilities.


In order to become part of the Fast Stream area of the Civil Service, you will have to undergo a series of tests. All these tests will need to be passed in order to move on to the next stage of the application process, and you have a limited time to complete the whole application process.

The application process will consist of several online assessments, practice tests, e-tray exercises, assessment centres and a final selection board. This may sound like a lot of work. Truthfully, it is! You must be fully committed to these tests and understand the requirements needed to become a ‘Fast Streamer’.

How2Become Civil Service fast streams SJT

Situational Judgement Questionnaire

This test will provide you with a variety of scenarios. Once you’ve read each scenario, you’ll need to answer a set of questions based on what you read. This test is not timed. For this test, you be given 15 different scenarios, each of which will contain 4 potential responses/outcomes. Your task is simply to judge the situation based on the information you have been provided with.

Behavioural Questionnaire

This test evaluates your behaviour in the workplace, strengths, areas for development, and other work-related skills. As with the Situational Judgement test, this questionnaire is not timed. Unlike other tests, which are testing your reasoning, the Behavioural Questionnaire is measuring how well you match the core competencies.

How2Become civil service fast streams behavioural questionnaire
How2Become Civil Service fast streams Analytical Fast Stream Assessment

Analytical Fast Stream Assessment

Depending on what area of the Civil Service you are applying for, you may be asked to attend a half-day assessment in London, whereby your technical and analytical skills will be put to the test.

E-Tray Exercise

This exercise will test your ability to handle lots of data and information. The test is typical of the requests that you may be faced with in the life of a Fast Streamer. The test takes approximately two hours. The E-Tray exercise is broken down into
three sections:

  1. Reading and comprehending background information.
  2. Identifying the most and least effective responses to a number of emails.
  3. Writing responses to requests, using the information you have already been provided.
How2Become civil service fast streams e-tray exercises


Civil Service Fast Stream Tests 2nd Edition Download
  • Hundreds of Civil Service Fast Stream qualifying sample questions.
  • Detailed explanations and answers for all the questions in the book.
  • Provides a similar layout to the actual tests.
  • Master how to tackle the online selection process.
  • Increase your chances of passing the qualifying rounds for the Civil Service.
  • Practice E-Tray Exercises.
  • In-depth information and exercises for the Assessment Centre.
  • Packed full of insider tips and advice.
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Sample Fast Stream Test Questions

To help you get a better understanding of what a civil service fast stream test involves, let’s take a quick look at a few sample questions.

FREE | 3 Questions
Fast Stream Test Practice Questions


The table shows the sales across 6 countries for the model BMW for a 6 month period. The BMW’s are imported to each country from a main dealer. 

Data Interpretation Sample Question BMW sales table

What percentage of the monthly total was sold to the biggest importer in March?
A. 27.1
B. 35.6  
C. 4.5
D. 12.6 
E. 32.8 

You have been working in a new team for 3 months now. When you started, your line manager put you on a 6-month development programme where you would be closely supervised for that period of time. You now feel very much ready to work
alone and the close supervision is starting to frustrate you and hinder your development. What would you do?

A. Complete the 6-month supervision period as planned and not say anything about how you feel.
B. Tell your work colleagues how you feel and get their advice on what they think you should do.
C. Start working more on your own without telling anyone.
D. Arrange a meeting with your line manager to explain how you now feel ready to work more on your own, unsupervised. Ask for his permission for the supervision period to come to an end.

To: You

Subject: Acting Manager


Congratulations and thank you for taking on Andrew’s responsibilities as manager of the copywriting team while he’s away. We all appreciate that you have a lot on your plate with your own tasks, so we hope that the workload from managing the team won’t be too extreme.

As you know, Andrew likes to meet with each of his team members for a ten-to-fifteen minute catch-up once every two weeks. Andrew informed me on Friday that his last catch-up with the team was two weeks ago. Therefore, it would be great if you could get in touch with the rest of the team and find a time to meet with each of them. You’re probably well aware of what’s going on between everyone on the team, so hopefully a catch-up will be straight-forward. Please organise these for the end of the day.

In addition, I’d like you to take a look at some possible clients with projects that the team will be working on. I’ll send a brief report with each of the clients’ projects sometime later today, but if you could also decide on which (if any) of the clients to work with by the end of the day would also be excellent.

If you have any queries, or have any questions about your new role, don’t be afraid to get in touch.


Linda Peterson,

Managing Director

Task 1

Choose the most effective and least effective course of action:

  Most Effective Least Effective

Hold a group catch-up with the entire copywriting team to save time.



Email or chat to each of the copywriting team members to find a time which suits them.


Ask Andrea to send you a list of times which are likely to suit the copywriting team.    
Choose a time which suits you for each catch-up meeting.


A. 27.1

52 ÷ 192 × 100 = 27.08

Rounded up to 1 decimal place = 27.1

Most Effective
D. Arrange a meeting with your line manager to explain how you now feel ready to work more on your own, unsupervised. You would ask his permission for the supervision period to come to an end. This is Most Effective as you are discussing how you feel with the one person who really matters; your line manager. He can then make the decision whether or not to reduce the time period that you are supervised.

Least Effective
C. Start working more on your own without telling anyone. This is Least Effective. Your line manager would be extremely disappointed if you started working unsupervised, against his instructions. This could also lead to disciplinary procedures against you.


Civil Service Fast Stream Tests 2nd Edition Download
  • Hundreds of Civil Service Fast Stream qualifying sample questions.
  • Detailed explanations and answers for all the questions in the book.
  • Provides a similar layout to the actual tests.
  • Master how to tackle the online selection process.
  • Increase your chances of passing the qualifying rounds for the Civil Service.
  • Practice E-Tray Exercises.
  • In-depth information and exercises for the Assessment Centre.
  • Packed full of insider tips and advice.
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Pass Your Civil Service Test. First Time.

Crafted for everyone, no matter your skill level or background, this download was made to help you achieve one goal: pass your fast stream tests.


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Pass Your Civil Service Test. First Time.

Crafted for everyone, no matter your skill level or background, this download was made to help you achieve one goal: pass your civil service fast stream tests.

Customer Success Stories

Having helped 1,000s of people pass their assessment tests for over 16 years, it is no wonder our customers love us…

Really useful book to understand more about what to expect from the psychometric tests and e-tray exercises.

Very helpful.

I bought this book in the hope to get some kind of an idea on what my fast stream test will be like in February. After testing myself on the questions inside I was pleasantly surprised at how accurate and in depth the book is. The test questions really give you an idea on what to expect and the quality of writing is to a high standard.

Makes you feel much more prepared for your assessments and it gives you a brief summary of the assessment centres too. It also gives you access to online psychometric tests which are pretty much identical to what is in the book, but it gets you used to the online format which is helpful.

This book told us what to expect and helped my daughter to pass the online tests, she now has an interview and we have downloaded the interview guide which is also great.


Complete guidance to ensure you pass the selection tests.

  • General tips for passing the Civil Service tests.
  • Detailed answers and explanations to all questions.
  • An array of Fast Stream practice questions.
  • Data interpretation and quantitative reasoning practice questions.
  • Practice E-Tray questions and answers.
  • In-depth information and exercises for the Assessment Centre.
The Civil Service Fast Stream Assessment Centre will Push you to your limits



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Civil Service Fast Stream Tests 2nd Edition Download

✓ Hundreds of Civil Service Fast Stream qualifying sample questions;
✓ Detailed explanations and answers for all the questions in the book;
✓ Provides a similar layout to the actual tests;
✓ Master how to tackle the online selection process;
✓ Increase your chances of passing the qualifying rounds for the Civil Service;
✓ Practice E-Tray Exercises;
✓ In-depth information and exercises for the Assessment Centre;
✓ Packed full of insider tips and advice.
Plus 30-days FREE ACCESS to the Civil Service online testing suite. Thereafter, just £5.95 +vat per month. No minimum term. You may cancel anytime. Cancel before the 30-days are up and you will not be charged.?
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Firstly, these guides are created by us and our team of experts – we have all the answers to your questions and will help you succeed (like we’ve been doing for the last 16 years), we update our material frequently and you can contact us at any time with any questions you have.

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Finally, our guides and training just work. Take a look at our TrustPilot page where you will see our rating of 4.9/5. There, our customers share their positive buying experiences and more importantly the time-saving success our resources have given them (hint: they passed their assessment).

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