How to become a Traffic Warden

Learn how to become a Traffic Warden / Civil Enforcement Officer by passing the entire selection process!

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Traffic Wardens/Parking Attendants are now officially called Civil Enforcement Officers or CEOs.

Civil Enforcement Officers enforce legislation such as Penalty Charge Notices (Parking Tickets) governed by Civil law. CEOs are employed by the Local Authority to enforce these legislations to help maintain free flowing traffic and ensure the safety of pedestrians in their given area.

CEOs are an official uniformed presence and as such they play a part in a local authority’s key aims and objectives. Equipped with communications equipment, CEOs are in constant contact with other members of the Local Authority such as police community support officers. This ensures the Local Authorities have an extra ‘pair of eyes’ on the streets to help combat any anti-social behaviour or report crimes, as well as for the safety of the CEOs themselves.

The duties of a Civil Enforcement Officer include:

  • Patrolling public streets and car parks
  • Identifying parking infringements
  • Issuing parking tickets (Penalty Charge Notices)
  • Monitoring CCTV
  • Reporting suspected abandoned vehicles
  • Dealing with public enquiries


Whilst there are no formal qualifications needed to become a CEO there are Level 2 Awards and NVQs available that will potentially help boost your application above other applicants.

The main skills you should focus on when applying are:

  • Great Communication Skills
  • High Levels of Organisation
  • Fantastic Customer Service Skills

You must also have a knowledge of Government legislation, conflict management skills and computer/IT skills.

The Civil Enforcement Selection Process

The general process for becoming a traffic warden / Civil Enforcement Officer is:

Application form – it is vital to demonstrate you are a suitable potential candidate to make it through the screening process.

Assessment Centre – here you will be assessed on your numeracy and literacy skills via multiple tests.

Interview – the interview process is tough and only those fully prepared pass.

Health Assessment – this is sometimes conducted as a questionnaire.

If you get invited to attend the assessment centre you will have to undergo a series of tests. These selection tests involve a:

  • Numeracy Test
  • Literacy Test
  • Listening Test

You should read all of the passage below before you begin the test. You will see that there are missing words in the passage. Fill in each of the 8 blanks by choosing the best word from the list below so that the passage makes sense. You have 5 minutes to complete the question.

What is at the ……….. of this affair is a shocking ……….. of interest. The very same companies that seem to have ……….. their wealthiest clients, mainly ……….. corporations and rich individuals to ……….. tax, are those that have the ……….. to provide expert accountants to ……….. the government on drafting tax laws and regulations. So the firms essentially helped their clients get away without paying tax by ……….. loopholes from the same laws they helped to create.

8 of the following 12 words have been taken out of the above passage. Choose one word that best fits each blank space. Use your choice of word only once and write it down in the order in which you think it appears in the passage.

heart, heartless, aided, multiples, advise, power, avoid, distinguished, multinational, conflict, exploiting, rigour


What is at the heart of this affair is a shocking conflict of interest. The very same companies that seem to have aided their wealthiest clients, mainly multinational corporations and rich individuals to avoid tax, are those that have the power to provide expert accountants to advise the government on drafting tax laws and regulations. So the firms essentially helped their clients get away without paying tax by exploiting loopholes from the same laws they helped to create.

The following extract is to be read out to the candidate only once.

Once the extract is complete the candidate has 5 minutes to answer the questions that follow.

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You have 5 minutes to answer the following questions either True, False or Cannot Say.

Q1. Duties of a Civil Enforcement Officer include returning abandoned vehicles to their owner.

Q2. Civil Enforcement officers always work from 8am to 8pm.

Q3. You will need 3 GCSEs to become a Civil Enforcement Officer.

Q4. As a Civil Enforcement Officer you would use equipment such as hand-held computers and printers for recording and issuing Penalty Charge Notices.

Q5. The duties of a Civil Enforcement Officer include checking that car parks are clean and tidy.


Q1. False

Q2. False

Q3. False

Q4. True

Q5. True

How2Become have written a comprehensive download guide that contains insider information from current serving CEOs to bring you the very best guide to the entire selection process.

Discover how to pass the:

  • Application Form – Step-by-step guide to answering the questions
  • Numeracy Test
  • Literacy Test
  • Listening Test
  • Interview – practice sample interview questions with detailed answers!
  • Health Questionnaire

This guide contains everything you need to become a traffic warden / civil enforcement officer and will guide you through the entire selection process with the most up-to-date information available.

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How to Become a Traffic Warden / Civil Enforcement Officer

  • Succeed at the application form with the sample responses
  • Practice competency based interview questions
  • Pass the new recruitment tests and exercises
  • Over 100 sample questions and answers
  • The ultimate preparation for your recruitment process
  • Detailed advice and practice questions for the listening test
  • An in-depth look at the career of a Civil Enforcement Officer
  • Insider tips and advice


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Pass the Civil Enforcement Officer recruitment process today. Trusted by 10,000s of customers worldwide.

How to become a Civil Enforcement Officer Download

✓ Succeed at the application form with the sample responses;
✓ Practice competency based interview questions;
✓ Pass the new recruitment tests and exercises;
✓ Over 100 sample questions and answers;
✓ The ultimate preparation for your recruitment process;
✓ Detailed advice and practice questions for the listening test;
✓ An in-depth look at the career of a Civil Enforcement Officer;
✓ Insider tips and advice.
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