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How to pass the RAF Interview


Discover how you can pass the RAF Officer and Aircrew Selection Centre this this comprehensive download resource.

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RAF Officer & Aircrew Selection Centre OASC Download

The RAF Officer OASC Officer Aircrew and Selection Centre

Most candidates who attend the OASC will fail. It is a well known fact that only 1 out of 5 people who attend the selection centre will pass.

Our workbooks have been created by the UK’s leading Armed Forces recruitment expert, and are full of essential information that is not freely available anywhere else.

Every year many candidates attend the RAF Officer Aircrew and Selection Centre OASC at the RAF College Cranwell. You will be required to undertake speed, distance and time test questions and two planning exercises. Only the select few will make the required grade with many people failing due to an inability to demonstrate the qualities required to become an RAF Officer.

RAF Officer & Aircrew Selection Centre OASC Download
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When are the RAF Competencies Assessed?

  • Confidence and Resilience – This is assessed during every stage of the OASC.
  • Oral Communication – This is also assessed during every stage.
  • Influence – Assessed during every stage with the exception of the Individual Problem Solving exercise.
  • Problem Solving – Assessed during every stage with the exception of the discussion exercise.
  • Teamwork – Assessed during every stage with the exception of the discussion and the individual problem solving exercise.

In the following video Richard McMunn provides you with insider tips and strategies for passing the OASC:


During the OASC, you will have to participate in a number of exercises, interviews and tests, please see below brief explanation of some of the stages:

How to pass the raf interview - about the interview


During your OASC you will be required to sit an interview with a senior assessing RAF officer. This is to assess your suitability and potential to become an officer within the Royal Air Force.

You will be asked about your motivations to join the RAF as an officer, and about what you have done to prepare yourself for life in the air force as an officer. You will be assessed against the RAF values. You will also be asked about situations from your past where you have demonstrated leadership skills.


During the OASC planning exercise you are given a written brief containing the details of a fictitious scenario, which you will be given 15 minutes to study. The OASC assessors will then introduce a problem into the scenario setting which you will need to solve. You have 15 minutes to discuss possible solutions with your group and reach an agreed plan. Once the time is up you will present your plan to the assessors. The difficulty comes when each person in the group is questioned in turn to examine their grasp of the situation. It is essential that you are able to answer any questions that are thrown at you. We also recommend you become conversant in the use of Speed, Distance and Time calculations both in written format and also by solving them in your head without the aid of pen, paper or a calculator.

How to pass the RAF interview - how to prepare effectively
pass the raf officer aptitude tests


During the  selection process you will be required to undertake a number aptitude tests, which all requiring passing. These tests include the following subjects:

  • Numerical Reasoning
  • Work Rate Test
  • Spatial Reasoning
  • Deductive Reasoning
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Physical Response Test


The purpose of this assessment is to test your teamwork abilities. This exercise will also test your resilience and assess your strengths. The outdoors tasks itself will involve you taking part in group tasks which involves you moving from A to B using various objects to assist you. You will take part in a number of exercises, one which is a leaderless task, which assesses how as a team you all work together. There is also a command task, where each person in the group takes it in turn to take command of the group to test your leadership abilities.


RAF Officer & Aircrew Selection Centre OASC Download
  • The top insider tips and advice;
  • What the RAF OASC involves;
  • How you will be assessed during the RAF interview;
  • About the Aptitude tests;
  • The group discussion;
  • The OASC scoring criteria;
  • The types of questions you will be asked during the RAF interview.
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RAF Officer & Aircrew Selection Centre OASC Download
  • The top insider tips and advice;
  • What the RAF OASC involves;
  • How you will be assessed during the RAF interview;
  • About the Aptitude tests;
  • The group discussion;
  • The OASC scoring criteria;
  • The types of questions you will be asked during the RAF interview.
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Each syndicate member is given a copy of the exercise setting, some rough paper and a pencil. The setting, chosen from a number available, contains a map and the brief of an imaginary situation which the syndicate team has found itself in. There are normally two or more possible solutions to the problem and the aim is for the syndicate to arrive at a group-preferred solution.

The exercise is divided into three phases:


After the briefing, you are given 15 minutes for private study during which you are expected to acquaint yourself with the brief and setting, making whatever notes you wish and undertaking your own speed/distance/time calculations to arrive at one or more solutions.


Next, a 20-minute period is given for the group to discuss the options, check calculations and arrive at a team solution. No chairman is appointed and discussion is on a free-for-all basis.

During this phase, the Board, who take no active part in the discussion, will assess which members of the syndicate have influence, perception, comprehension and judgement and a note is made of their degree of involvement, cooperation and numeracy of each member.


There then follows a 20-25 minute phase during which the Board Chairman questions each member of the syndicate about the setting, the problem, the chosen solution, the rejected solutions and the calculations.

By the end of the questioning, the Board Member, who will have been marking throughout this period, will have noted the qualities apparent in each syndicate member (as well as confirming, or otherwise, those qualities already noted as above), in addition to mental agility, flexibility and reaction to pressure.

This exercise is similar in nature to the Group Planning exercise, and the scenario is selected from a number of options which the Boarding Officers possess. You have 20 minutes to understand and assess the problem, undertake calculations and decide which solution to present. You are then questioned for 10 minutes by a Board Member.

  • You will be questioned on the problem, your solution and the alternatives you considered.
  • While the candidate is being questioned, the Board Chairman is engaged in assessing the level of performance, commenting on confidence, work rate, perception, judgement, comprehension and numeracy.
  • The Board Member then leads the candidate through the possible alternatives and further assessment is based on receptiveness, flexibility, judgement, mental agility, composure, reaction to pressure, and decisiveness.
  • At the end of the question period, the Board discusses the performance and awards a percentage score. This continues until each member of the syndicate has been seen.

The Board President observes the performance of each candidate remotely by CCTV and makes his own judgement and assessments. Clearly, he is unable to observe each candidate’s performance in full, but he spends sufficient time on each candidate to form an opinion. Any major differences of opinion as to the qualities possessed by any candidate are discussed at the final debrief between the President and the Board Members.

Top tips for scoring high during the group/individual planning:

  • Demonstrate strength of character.
  • Don’t give in, even if things are going wrong.
  • Support your decision and consider all eventualities.
  • Improve general arithmetic and be competent in the use of speed, distance and time (SDT).
  • Be able to calculate SDT questions in your head, as well as being able to write them down. You can practice by getting a member of your family to ask you a series of SDT questions. This is great practice as you will be under pressure to answer the questions without the use of a calculator, pen and paper.
  • Keep an eye on the time. You need to come up with a solution to the problem.
  • Be alert and quick to respond to questions.
  • Never lie when answering questions from the assessors, they will see straight through it. If you do not know the answer to a question, then just say so.
  • Always remain calm. The questioning at the end of the exercise is designed to be tough and assess how well you cope under pressure.


Speed, Distance, and Time Tests Workbook
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This section of the workbook contains 100s of sample Speed, Distance and Time questions. It is imperative that you are competent in the use of SDT calculations when you attend the RAF Officer Selection Board – they are an integral part of testing throughout the assessment. This comprehensive workbook will provide you with a mass of sample questions including answers to the questions.


Planning Exercises For the Armed Forces
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The OASC Workbook contains 8 sample individual/group planning exercises varying in degrees of complexity. Each exercise will take you 15-20 minutes to complete. These exercises are an excellent resource for allowing you to hone your skills prior to the OASC assessment. Solutions to each exercise are also provided for you in the workbook.

Pass The RAF OASC. First time.

Crafted for everyone, no matter your skill level or background, this practice tests workbook was made to help you achieve one goal: to pass your RAF OASC.

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Pass The RAF OASC. First time.

Crafted for everyone, no matter your skill level or background, this practice tests workbook was made to help you achieve one goal: to pass your RAF OASC.

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Having helped 1,000s of aspiring RAF candidates for over 16 years, it is no wonder our customers love us…


Really informative, well worth a buy if thinking about going in the RAF.

Split into relevant sections with practise questions too I found it helped me think clearly about each section of my interview and how to think of relevant answers.

Really helped prepare for my interview.

Very helpful.

I was going crazy to prepare for an interview as I really didn’t know how to put my thoughts into words. I watched all the required videos, tweaked the answers according to my requirements, and aced the interview beyond my expectation.


Online Test Questions and Answers
  • Complete guidance to ensure you pass the RAF OASC.
  • Questions that are guaranteed to be very similar to the ones you will actually sit during the real Royal Air Force OASC interviews.
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  • Advice and tips included that have been written by a former member of the Armed Forces.
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  • Sample answers to every question, so you can draft your own winning responses.
  • Up-to-date and relevant for the 2025 OASC.
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  • Time-saving strategies and score-boosting methods verified by our panel of Armed Forces recruitment experts.



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RAF Officer & Aircrew Selection Centre OASC Download

✓ The top insider tips and advice;
✓ What the RAF interview involves;
✓ How you will be assessed during the RAF interview;
✓ Preparing for the interview effectively;
✓ Exactly what the interview panel are looking for;
✓ How to study for the RAF interview effectively;
✓ The types of questions you will be asked during the RAF interview.
Plus 30-days FREE ACCESS to the RAF online testing suite. Thereafter, just £5.95 +vat per month. No minimum term. You may cancel anytime. Cancel before the 30-days are up and you will not be charged.?
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