What’s Your Greatest Achievement? Interview Question Example Answer

What’s Your Greatest Achievement? Interview Question Example Answer

What’s Your Greatest Achievement? Interview Question Example Answer

The interview question, “what’s your greatest achievement” comes up during the majority of interviews.

How you answer this tough interview question is likely to be the difference between a pass or a fail, so if you have an interview coming up soon for any role, make sure you read this guide to the end because we will help you to be successful.

In this tutorial, we will cover three things:

  1. We will explain why the interviewer is asking you the question, what’s your greatest achievement? If you understand WHY the hiring manager is asking you the question, it makes it easier for you to answer it!
  2. We will give you some essential tips for answering the interview question what’s your greatest achievement correctly!
  3. We will then give you 3 brilliant example answers to help you pass your interview!

Why Is The Interviewer Asking You The Question, “What Is Your Greatest Achievement?”

The hiring manager wants to know you are someone who has a proven track record of achievement, or success. It doesn’t have to be an achievement in your career, a personal achievement will do. This shows the interviewer what you value and deem a success, and it also shows the interviewer you are someone who has a track record of success.

TIP – if you are someone who has already achieved great things in their life, you are more likely to replicate that success at work. So, if you can give EVIDENCE of where you have already achieved something you are proud of, the hiring manager is more likely to take you on in the role.

Two Essential Tips For Answering The Interview Question Correctly

Tip 1 – Give a specific example of where you achieved something great in your life!

Tip 2 – If possible, give a work-related example of where you achieved something of significance whilst working as part of a team! If you can show how you helped a business achieve some sort of success, your answer will score highly!

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“My greatest achievement was in a previous role where I was working as part of a team on the launch of a new company product. We wanted to make the product launch as successful as possible, and so we started out by brainstorming different ideas about how we could launch the product before presenting them to our manager for approval.

After he gave us the go ahead to launch the product, we worked tirelessly to push it out to as many people as possible. My task was to create the social media posts during the product launch, and these proved to be a huge success. Once the product launch was finished my manager informed us that we, as a team, had managed to surpass all previous product launches in terms of sales!”


“My greatest achievement was working in my last role where I managed to help the company win an important sales contract. I was part of a three-person team and our job was to put together the company proposal, and then deliver it to our manager who would submit it for tender. We worked really hard for two weeks to get the information and the proposal together, and we made sure it was as cost effective and efficient as possible.

A week after my manager submitted our proposal, we received the news that we had won the sales contract! It was great team effort, and something I am still very proud of today.”


“My greatest achievement was organizing a charity event a few years back. I wanted to help raise money for a local good cause, and so I decided to organize and promote a 5km fun run in my local park.

I started by advertising the event in my local newspaper, and on social media. I set up a charity fundraising page where people could enter the event for a small fee, and I asked my local radio station to promote the fun run for me.

On the day of the event more than 100 people took part and we managed to raise over £800 for the local good cause which was a great result and something I am very proud of!”

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  • Over 50 interview questions to prepare for (and how each is assessed);
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