Do you have a TfL Customer Service interview coming up? In this article we will take a look at how you can ensure you pass your TfL Competency Interview!
Here is what we will cover:
- A list of TfL Customer Service interview questions to prepare for.
- Sample ANSWERS to those questions to help you SUCCEED.
- Essential tips for passing your TfL Customer Service interview.

Q. Tell me about yourself and why you think you could excel in this TfL Customer Service role?
TIP: This first TfL Customer Service interview question is your opportunity to talk about the skills and qualities you have, your experience & passion for working in a customer service role, and how you are going to ADD VALUE to Transport for London in the role.
Example answer:
“Thank you for inviting me to be interviewed for this customer service position today.
Throughout my career, I have developed a variety of transferrable skills and experience that I believe will enable me to excel in this customer service role. I am a highly positive and effective employee who thrives in customer-focused environments.
During my time in previous customer service roles, I learnt to fully understand the importance of consistently maintaining high standards of customer satisfaction. Without the customer there would be no company, so it is important that every member of the team works towards providing a high level of service.
I have a proven track record of delivering passionate customer service, being an excellent communicator, and being adaptable when under pressure. I can also be relied upon to follow the necessary safety protocols and regulations at all times, and I would never put myself or others in any danger whatsoever.
Outside of work I am driven by my family who are fully supportive of my career and they would support the variety of shift work that can be required from the role. I also enjoy hobbies such as going to the gym where I can maintain healthy fitness and concentration levels.
If you employ me in this position, I will be a reliable, customer-driven, and safety conscious employee who will be proud to represent the high standards of TfL and deliver excellent customer service for your customers.”
Q. Why do you want to work for Transport for London?
TIP: In order to prepare for this question you need to carry out plenty of research about TfL. The best place to get this information is via their website and social media channels.
Focus on the positive aspects of the organisation’s work. Do they run any customer-focused initiatives, or have they won any awards for quality of work or service? What are their future plans?
Example answer:
“As a frequent customer of TfL’s services myself, I have always been impressed by the high standards of service I have received from your staff. I am also impressed with your company’s values, ethics, customer focus, and forward-thinking approach.
For example, I know that you do not make a profit, and instead, reinvest all of your income into running and improving your services.
You also randomly send surveys to your customers after they have completed a road or public transport journey which demonstrates a high level of customer focus and care and I want to work for such a company as I believe I can bring the same dedication and high standards to the team.
I also understand that, your implementation of Ultra Low Emission Zone, ULEZ, is creating better air quality for millions of Londoners and your initiatives for a cleaner method of transport are some of the best in the world, ultimately providing your passengers with a healthier and better travelling experience.
TfL’s strong reputation from its customers and its values and ethics mean I will get to be a part of a company, that is actively seeking to make a positive difference to people’s day-to-day lives, and therefore, I would be immensely proud to work for TfL in this customer service role.”
Q. Give me an example of when you worked as part of a team.
TIP: TfL roles can be varied, but a common factor across all TfL staff is that they must be able to collaborate, therefore, this question is often asked! For this answer, I strongly recommend you use the STAR method:
Situation – What was the situation you found yourself in?
Task – What was the task that needed to be carried out?
Action – What action did you take to achieve the task?
Result – What was the end result following your actions?
Example answer:
“I have lots of experience of working as part of a team, one situation recently comes to mind where my manager came into the office late on a Friday afternoon and he asked for five volunteers to stay behind late after work to carry out an important stock take.
Now, the stock take had to be done by 7:00 p.m. and I knew how important it was to the company. So I volunteered along with four other team members. So we started by getting together as a team and we created a plan of action based on our manager’s brief, based on what he wanted us to achieve.
We communicated different ideas and we then allocated tasks based on each other’s individual strengths. My task was to collate the stock take figures and then quickly input them into the computer system.
I’m pleased to say that we achieved the task by 7:00 p.m. and this was done by supporting each other, by encouraging everyone within the team and by motivating everyone to get the task done correctly.”
Q. Can you tell us about a situation when you have had to work under pressure?
TIP: The hiring manager will want to know you can handle pressure well, because if you have experience of working under pressure then you are far more likely to succeed in a customer service role.
In your answer, try to provide an actual example of where you have achieved a task whilst being under pressure.
Example answer:
“In my previous job as a car mechanic, I was presented with a difficult and pressurised situation.
A member of the team had made a mistake and had fitted a number of wrong components to a car. The car in question was due to be picked up at 2pm and the customer had stated how important it was that his car was ready on time because he had an important meeting to attend.
We only had two hours in which to resolve the issue and I volunteered to be the one who would carry out the work on the car.
The problem was that we had three other customers in the workshop waiting for their cars too, so I was the only person who could be spared at that particular time.
Therefore, I had to come up with a plan of action to ensure I worked efficiently as possible. I worked solidly for the next two hours making sure that I meticulously carried out each task in line with our operating procedures.
Even though I didn’t finish the car until 2.10pm, I managed to achieve a very difficult task under pressurised conditions whilst keeping strictly to procedures and regulations and the customer was happy.”
Q. How would you handle a difficult customer?
TIP: Dealing with difficult or angry customers is a reality all customer service staff face and employers want to know you will remain calm and professional and represent their brand in a positive light at all times.
It is, therefore, important to demonstrate you will NOT be reactive or respond negatively.
Instead, show that you have good customer service and communication skills, and that you are aware you are representing the company.
Example answer:
“I fully understand that at times, dealing with frustrated customers is to be expected in customer service roles.
Customers will understandably be stressed at times, especially if there is a delay to their journey, or their experience is not as expected.
It would be my job to listen to them, show a level of understanding, and by doing so, hopefully calming them down if needed though effective communication.
Whilst dealing with the customer, I would always follow the company’s guidelines, and I would also remember to act as a positive role model for the company.
I believe I am good at remaining calm and finding solutions quickly. It is important to understand they might be having a bad day, they may have received poor customer service elsewhere or they may genuinely be unhappy with the service.
I would see it as my job to communicate with confidence, sort out any problems in a timely manner and turnaround their experience so it is a positive one.”
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