5 Part-Time Job Interview Questions And Answers!
In this interview training tutorial, we will teach you how to prepare for a part-time job interview. In particular, we will give you some important tips, and several example part-time job interview questions we recommend you prepare for, along with top-scoring answers!
So, if you have a part-time job interview coming up for any role, make sure you read to the end, because we will help to pass it!
Part-Time Job Interview Tips
PART TIME JOB INTERVIEW TIP #1 – Just because this is a part-time job you are applying for, don’t think the interview will be easy. More often, part time jobs are more competitive, so it is essential you put plenty of effort into your preparation.
PART TIME JOB INTERVIEW TIP #2 – Two of the key areas you will be assessed against during your part-time job interview are availability and flexibility! So, when the interviewer asks you about your availability, you need to answer it in a specific way which we will cover during the next stage of this video.
Let’s now take a look at some our example part-time job interview questions and top-scoring answers to help you!
Q1. Tell me about yourself?
TIP – This is your opportunity to let the interviewer get to know you, what your core skills are, and what you can bring to the position. Here’s a great answer for you:
“Thank you for giving me the chance to be interviewed for this position. I would describe myself as self-motivated, enthusiastic, always positive, and someone who is not afraid to get stuck in and take on varied and challenging tasks that are outside my comfort zone.
Over the years, I have built lots of transferrable skills, including being able to work diligently with anyone in any team; being adaptable and flexible; taking responsibility for my own learning and development, and being relied upon to complete a task properly.
Outside of work I keep myself fit and active. I am a family person who wants to be a good role model for my children, and I am always looking for new challenges. If you hire me in this part-time position, I will always be upbeat, I will be flexible where possible to work around your business, and I will represent the company positively!”
Q2. Why do you want to work part-time?
TIP – It is important to be honest in your answer to this part-time job interview question, but you should also mention that you would be open to the possibility of extending your hours later on if the opportunity arises!
This is important because it tells the interviewer you are flexible… one of the key qualities needed to work part-time!
Here’s a great example answer to assist you:
“I want to work part-time for two reasons. The first reason is part-time work fits in with my personal life. I applied for this job because I am confident I can commit to these hours but I am also open to extending these later on if you need me to work more, and it fits in with your plans.
I also want to work part-time because I have heard good things about your company, and I genuinely want to work here. Starting out part-time is a great way for me to experience your company and to work in a positive environment, whilst still maintaining a positive work life balance which means I will be fully committed and energized when I am at work.”
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Q3. What do you think are the most important qualities needed to work part time?
TIP – There are four essential qualities needed to work part-time, so make sure you include them in your answer.
Here they are:
“The most important qualities are flexibility, adaptability, being a fast learner, and being someone who is prepared to take on various tasks whilst supporting others in the completion of their duties.
You must be flexible and adaptable because your employer may need you to change your hours to suit the business needs. You must be a fast learner because it is important in any part-time role that you hit the ground running – there simply isn’t a huge amount of time to train you up.
Finally, you need to have the understanding and skillset that you will be required to carry out varied tasks whilst at the same time being supportive of your co-workers.”
Q4. Why do you want to work for us?
TIP – It is important that you carry out a little bit of research into their business before you attend your part-time job interview.
Have a look at their website ABOUT US page if they have one, follow their social media accounts, and find out something about their products or services.
By doing so, this will prove to the interviewer you are serious about working for them, and you are not solely interested in just landing a good part-time job!
Here’s an example answer:
“I’d like to work for you because having researched your company before applying, it is evident you have a strong set of workplace values, you create and offer excellent products and services that your customers appreciate, and you are striving to make a difference. Although this is a part-time job role, I still genuinely feel I will be happy here, and it will be somewhere I can contribute for the long-term whilst gaining high levels of job satisfaction.”
Q5. What’s your availability?
TIP – This question is nearly guaranteed to feature at some stage during your part-time job interview. Remember, whilst it is important to be honest about your availability, the more hours you can work, the greater your chances of success.
Here’s an example answer to assist you:
“I am available to work the hours advertised, and potentially more as and when needed. My personal life is such that I can be flexible when needed to help out at short notice in case of staff shortages or due to increased business demand.”
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- Over 50 interview questions to prepare for (and how each is assessed);
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