In this blog, we will tell you the 8 signs of a TOXIC WORKPLACE! A toxic workplace is not good for your sanity, mental health, or development. However, if you know the signs to look out for that your workplace might be toxic, and the options you have available, you can do something about it.
In this blog We will teach you how to introduce yourself in an interview. It is a well-known fact that the vast majority of candidates fail their interview in the first 2 minutes of walking through the door. They don’t create the right impression, they demonstrate poor manners, and they say the wrong thing when answering the first interview question: INTRODUCE YOURSELF.
Did you know that only 1% of candidates give a CLOSING STATEMENT at the end
of their job interview? However, the vast majority of candidates who do give a closing
statement, get hired! This is a staggering statistic, but it just goes to show how important it is to give a POWERFUL CLOSING STATEMENT immediately before you walk out of the interview room.
A recent study revealed that people failed their job interviews because they didn’t know enough about the company they were applying to join. Research is the one area that job applicants often neglect because they are applying for lots of jobs, and they don’t really care which company they end up working for.
To begin with, why is it important to get your first day at work in a new job off to a great start?
Well, it is important because everyone in the team will be watching you. They will form an opinion of you within the first few hours of you starting work there. You will be like a magnet on your first day.
In this post, we will tell you what to say in your interview to pass! There are 10 things you must say to make the hiring manager want to hire you – we will tell you what those 10 things are. So, if you have a job interview coming up soon for any role or company, keep reading because we will help you be the successful candidate!
In this blog we will give you the 20 BEST WORDS you can use when describing yourself in your interview. These 20 words are perfect for answering the interview questions, tell me about yourself, what motivates you, what are your greatest strengths, why should we hire you and, what makes you stand out from the competition?
To help you pass your interview at the first attempt, we will cover the following 4 things in this blog post:
#1. We will tell you WHY the hiring manager is asking you if you want to ask any questions – there is a specific reason why they are asking you, and you’ll be surprised what it is!
In this post, we will give you the TOP 16 STRENGTHS for Job Interviews! These strengths are formidable, and they will help you to easily beat the competition. So, if you have an interview soon for any role or company, keep reading because we will help you pass at the very first attempt!
1. We will explain why you should NEVER go to an interview empty-handed. Literally, 99.9% of candidates take nothing to their interview. This is a BIG MISTAKE.