Hairdressing is a fantastic career choice. As part of the beauty industry, hairdressing is a constant, recession proof and in demand service. Provided you supply your customers with great service, they will continue to come back. The majority of people are striving to improve their looks on a day to day basis, and as a […]
QTS numerical tests are a form of psychometric testing that measures a person’s ability and skill regarding mathematical data. This blog works in connection with the How2become QTS guide, and we have provided you with detailed sample questions that will take you step-by-step through the process of working out each type of question. The important thing […]
Quantitative Reasoning is a complex and highly advanced psychometric test. It measures a person’s ability to use mathematical skills in order to solve equations. To work in connection with the How2Become Quantitative Reasoning guide, we have provided you with detailed sample questions that takes you step-by-step through the process of working out each type of […]
Pursuing a career as a solicitor requires a strong level of commitment, enthusiasm, knowledge and skill. More importantly, you also need to know where to look in terms of education, work experience, training contracts, law firms and a whole range of other areas tailored to improving your chances of success. Within this blog, I have […]
All state primary school children are examined at the end of Key Stage 1, and Key Stage 2. This is done via a Standard Assessment Test (SAT). The SAT examinations help to identify a student’s key academic strengths and weaknesses, and help local authorities and the government to determine which schools are struggling or doing […]
When it comes to finding a job, choosing a career path often reflects a person’s personality and character. This said, a person often basis their choices on professions that are somewhat ‘obvious’ to every job seeker out there. Therefore it is important to establish a range of job choices that sometimes go unnoticed. These jobs […]
If you are attending an assessment for a job as a prison officer, one of the key testing categories is ‘Role Play’. Role play will focus on your ability to make good decisions based on limited information. In this blog, we’ll show you some of the types of competency question you should expect, and give […]
As a prison officer, you would be tasked with the responsibility of supervising both young and adult inmates in prisons, remand centres and young offenders institutions. This is a very difficult job, which requires the ability to remain calm in high pressure situations and make quick decisions. You’ll have to deal with angry and abusive prisoners, who will test your patience to the limit. If you are someone who feels well equipped to handle all of this, and want to aid the justice system, then this could be the perfect job for you.
Amidst contemporary society, we are continuously faced with the challenges and demanding implications surrounding job professions. No matter what job you are applying for, it is subsequently becoming harder to gain employment. This is particularly true for solicitors. Due to the economic crisis that inflicted severe repercussions to job prospects, the pool of law training contracts […]
Each year, the armed forces recruit thousands of new soldiers. Around 95% of these new soldiers go on to take an apprenticeship, equating to over 8000 completed armed forces apprenticeships each year. The army is one of the largest apprenticeship providers in the UK, and gives its employees the chance to train as a […]