If you are training to become an airline pilot, then you have a challenging and exciting career ahead of you. There is nothing like your first flight. For every pilot, the most exhilarating moment of all comes when you realise that you are are the only person who can get the plane back on the […]
The Royal Air Force (RAF) work to represent the interests of the UK in the air. They are an established service who police both foreign and home skies, provide humanitarian services to overseas victims and act as an emergency unit for stranded people in mountainous or coastal vicinities. In this blog, we’ll explore the wide […]
The Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police was this week quoted as claiming that there is no place for overweight officers in the police force. He believes that the current selection of fitness tests are not strict enough, and that they are failing to filter out officers who are overweight. In this blog, we’ll examine the […]
Every year, thousands of candidates apply to the police force. Some will be successful, some won’t; but what really matters is that you are successful. The application process for the police force is designed to test candidates in a rigorous manner, in order to determine the very best candidates from a wide field of applicants. […]
At the end of a job interview, many people make a fatal mistake. Look at the below example and see if you can spot the error: Interviewer: ‘That’s great, teamwork is something we really value at this organisation. It seems like we’re all done here…do you have any questions for us?’ Interviewee: ‘Nope, I […]
If you are a recent school leaver, or even someone looking to making a career switch, you might be considering taking beauty therapy at college. College courses will provide you with all of the experience and professional qualifications that you need to work within the industry. This could be at a salon, as a mobile […]
When applying for jobs, one of the most important things to consider is how to construct your cover letter. A cover letter serves as a written introduction to your resume, which helps the employer to get to know you on a more personal level. In your cover letter you should include your skillset, why you […]
The Train Driver Numerical Visual Comparison Test is an online assessment whereby you will be given four pairs of digits, or a mixture of letters and numbers. Your job is to find the pair that does not match. Below we have provided you with an example question: loov9 loov9ee039 ee093eeo3r eeo3rvmfk3 vmfk3 In […]
The Royal Marine Commandos are an elite group of trained soldiers. They perform global operations for the Royal Navy. A Commando is trained to be an expert in a number of different operations. The Royal Marine Commandos are recognised as an elite force within the military. They are on par with regiments such as […]
At the end of May, students across the country complete their GCSE examinations. These examinations are hugely important, and therefore the process of both studying for and taking the tests can be extremely stressful. As a parent, you might be wondering about the best way to help your child succeed, and as a student you […]