When to use SER and ESTAR: GCSE Spanish Revision

  As we only have one verb that means ‘to be’ in English, being presented with two (that are both irregular) when we start learning Spanish is initially confusing, not least because they are applied in different ways with different meanings. So, knowing when to use SER and ESTAR, and the differences between them, is vital for […]

Training Contract for Solicitors – Application Advice

  Training contracts are a crucial stage to becoming a qualified solicitor. This blog will discuss the importance of your law training contract and how you should go about successfully completing your application. Remember its a ‘dog eat dog’ world out there, and you need to do everything you can to ensure that your application […]

Army Officer Fitness Test 2016: Top Tips

Army Officers are amongst the most integral and well trained professionals within the national service. Officers command teams of up to 30 soldiers, and therefore it’s essential that you have a number of qualities. These qualities include: great leadership skills, discipline and fitness. In this blog, we’ll be concentrating on the latter, and the army […]

How To Write A UCAS Personal Statement: Part 1

In order to successfully gain entry into a UK university, you will need to construct a great personal statement. A good personal statement can often be the difference between outright rejection, and acceptance into your chosen Uni. But what is a personal statement, why is it important, and how can you perfect your own? In […]

Pros and Cons of Becoming a Police Officer

The Police Service is one of the most respected and trusted organisations in the UK. As a Police Officer, you would be responsible for safeguarding the residents of the community that you are policing, and instilling a sense of trust. But what are the pros and cons of becoming a police officer? How2Become decided to […]

University Revision: Top Five Exam Tips 2016

  We’ve now reached the middle of January, which means one thing for University students. That’s right, the dreaded January exams are upon us, and there is no escaping from revision. If you are struggling with revision tips, or in the midst of a full blown exam pandemic, then fear not. In this blog we’ll […]

Interview Preparation: How To Spend The Night Before

  The night before an interview is a confusing and difficult time. While most people understand that the night before their interview is an essential part of the interview preparation process, many of them just don’t understand how to use the final night to their advantage. Whether they are nervous and try to cram too […]