When we think about careers within the rail industry, train driver and train guard immediately spring to mind. However, there are many different and varied jobs available (drawing different salaries) that are designed to ensure the trains run on time and the level of service provided is the highest it can be. One such role […]
Statistics prove that one of the top 10 most sought after careers after leaving school and full-time education is that of a train driver. Unsurprising then, that there are in excess of 400 applicants for every job that is advertised. This makes it even more prevalent for the aspiring trainee train driver applicant to have […]
WHAT IS PI DAY – PI DAY = 3.14159265359… PI DAY = 3.14159265359… Pi day is an annual celebration which is celebrated on the 14th March. It is observed on this day because this represents (the month/day format = 3/14) and this represents the first 3 significant numbers of pi. AND ITS EVEN MORE […]
How2Become attended the IPG awards last Thursday, and was delighted to come home with two IPG awards. This was the fifth year that How2Become have been shortlisted at the event, and marked the first time that we have won. What are the IPG awards? The Independent Publishers Guild (IPG) is the number 1 trade association […]
Community first responders (CFR) play a key role in providing life-saving emergency care to patients. They are voluntary workers, dispatched by charities, to attend selected 999 calls. These volunteers significantly reduce the risk of nearby patient’s condition getting worse, and are often the difference between whether somebody lives or dies. In this blog, we’ll provide […]
TRAIN DRIVER SITUATIONAL JUDGEMENT TEST – A Step-by-Step Walkthrough Train Operating Companies in the UK is starting to use a form of situational judgement test (often referred to as Situational Judgement Exercises or SJEs) as part of the assessment criteria for assessing trainee train drivers. Another name for this type of new test […]
The Law National Admissions Test (LNAT) is one of the toughest assessments out there. Designed to test the strongest of Law candidates, the questions in the LNAT will push you to your very limits. In this blog, we’ll give you our top 5 tips on how to pass the LNAT: 2016. What Is the LNAT? […]
If you are lucky enough to have received an interview for medical school, then you have a golden opportunity. This is one that very few people will get, and therefore you need to make sure you ace it. The bottom line is that it’s extremely hard to get into medical school; and therefore assessors […]
The British SAS is one of the formidable and highly respected Special Forces in the entire world. Over the years, they have developed a reputation for incredible professionalism, efficiency and courage. In order to join the SAS, and take part in SAS Missions, you need to be amongst the most elite of the elite. […]
Find a job you love and make yourself happy. The idea of finding a job that you are going to love sounds easy, but why are so many people unhappy in their careers? Did you know that most people spend more time planning their summer holidays than they do their career? Don’t be one of the crowd […]