Electrical Comprehension Tests; How to prepare

WHAT ARE ELECTRICAL COMPREHENSION TESTS? As part of recruitment processes, you may be required to undertake an Electrical Comprehension test. Electrical Comprehension is quite self-explanatory; you will be required to undertake a series of testing questions that assess your electrical understanding. Electrical Comprehension tests are specifically designed to measure your performance in relation to electrical […]

UKCAT Mistake Guide: Top 4 Cardinal Sins

  The UK Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT) is designed to help universities make better choices amongst their dental and medical course applicants. It helps to ensure that the candidates chosen for these courses have the right level of professionalism, integrity and aptitude to succeed on the programme, and go on to become a doctor, dentist […]

Police Officer Recruitment: The Ultimate Career Guide

Have you ever wondered how to join the UK Police Service? For newcomers, the process of police officer recruitment can be quite intimidating. With a wide range of tests, units and different constabularies to choose from, it’s hard to know where to start looking or what the best option is for you. Well, you’re in […]

How To Manage The Classroom: Top 5 Tips

  One of the most difficult elements of working as a teacher is in classroom management. It’s all well and good having a great understanding of your subject, but if you can’t control the room then you will have a very hard time imparting your wisdom. Teachers need to be disciplined, organised and focused; in […]

Lesson Planning For Teachers: The Ultimate Guide

  One of the most important skills that a teacher will pick up along the way in their career, is in effective lesson planning. A good lesson plan could mean the difference between your class descending into anarchy, or having a well-structured and educational lesson. So, what are the most important tools to use in […]

Fire Control Operator (FCOp) Number Recall Test

Fire Control Operator (FCOp) Number Recall Test – Video Assessment The main duty of a Fire Control Operator (FCOp) is to obtain enough information from the caller and, within 90 seconds of taking the call, decide what fire crews and equipment need to be sent to the incident. The Fire Control Operator Number Recall Test […]