When joining the Police Service in Britain, you’ll need to pass a number of different selection stages. These can differ depending on the constabulary that you are applying to; but every candidate will need to attend what is known as the National Police Assessment Centre. During this assessment centre, you’ll have to pass a variety […]
In order to work for the Metropolitan Police, the UK’s largest police force, you’ll need to prove that you have what it takes to work in an extremely challenging, elite environment. Every day, Metropolitan Police Officers are faced with unique and dangerous problems to overcome. Operating within the confines of the city of London, Metropolitan […]
The hard part is over – you’ve had the interview, and now you are just waiting to hear back as to whether or not you got the job. What many people fail to realise is that it’s important to follow up after an interview. Don’t just sit there twirling your hair or twiddling your thumbs. You […]
Choosing to study abroad is one of the bravest decisions you can make in your higher education career, no matter whether you are at undergrad or postgrad level. Although such a decision represents a huge challenge, the benefits of rising to this challenge are surely immeasurable. Over the last decades, schemes such as Erasmus have […]
Job Rejection Sucks The feeling of rejection is frankly quite awful. You spend hours writing and refining your application, attending assessment centres, travelling to interviews, and worrying every step of the way – only to be told that your potential employers won’t be continuing with your application any longer. It can be pretty defeating, […]
As you will know, the selection process for becoming a Police Officer in the UK is extremely competitive. Out of the tens of thousands who apply each year, only around 20% of prospective candidates are successful. This blog will explain to you how attending a Police Officer course can massively boost your chances of success, […]
Many job roles require people to provide and maintain a good level of customer service. Whether that be face-to-face, on the telephone, or via email, it is important that you are able to provide the correct etiquette in order to demonstrate strong levels of people skills and professionalism. THE IMPORTANCE OF CUSTOMER SERVICE INTERVIEWS […]
Psychometric tests have become more frequent in job selection processes. Psychometric tests allow employers to assess candidates based on their skills, knowledge and personality; essential to maintaining a strong workforce. In this blog, I am going to provide 8 top tips for passing psychometric tests. Use these top tips for passing psychometric tests to help […]
In the summer term 2016, the new national curriculum was assessed for the first time, with many KS2 pupils undertaking three never-seen-before Science SATs papers: in biology, chemistry, and physics. The newness of these assessments meant that there were simply no past papers that parents could use to help their child with their KS2 Science […]
Over the past few years, more and more employers have incorporated Skype and video call into their recruitment processes. In some cases, they are even choosing to replace face-to-face meetings with interviews via the Internet. This is a trend that will only gain momentum as time goes on, so you need to be prepared […]