Introduction to the Police Officer Role Play Exercises

On your path to becoming a police officer, one of the biggest challenges you will face is the role play stage of the assessment centre. Unlike standard tests, where you sit down and answer questions based on your knowledge, the police officer role play exercises test your understanding in a verbal environment. However, these are […]

Crime Scene Investigator Requirements: The Complete Guide

  Investigating a crime scene is an extremely tricky job. Along with scouring the scene for – sometimes minute – pieces of evidence; the police must also collect, preserve and then use this evidence to come to a conclusion about the crime. So, how do they do this? The answer, is via crime scene investigators. […]

Best Way to Revise for GCSE

How to Revise for GCSE exams Preparing for your GCSEs can be incredibly difficult, especially if you aren’t sure about how to revise effectively. The truth is, there isn’t one objectively superior revision style or method, and different techniques will work better for different people. For some, making use of flashcards might be the key […]

Maths Revision KS2: Maths Quiz KS2

  Maths Revision KS2 When it comes to education, the most important thing is that students are fully prepared for their assessments. After all, education is all about achieving good grades to better a child’s future. That is why I have created this blog – to give you a quick overview of the KS2 Maths […]

SPAG Test KS2 – Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

The SPAG Test Every child aged 7 to 11, will undergo a series of assessments during their Key Stage 2 education. It is important that children are fully prepared for these assessments, and the only way I believe they can truly be prepared, is via practice! Within this blog, I am going to provide you […]

Getting To Grips With The Police Rank Structure

The UK Police Service is made up of many different ranks. Starting from the bottom, everyone who joins the police as an officer, will undergo a probationary period which usually lasts for two years. During this time, you must pass continuous training assessments and demonstrate to your superior officers that you have what it takes […]