How2Become Are Double Winners at the IPG Awards 2017 How2Become were double winners at the 2017 Independent Publisher’s Guild Awards, taking home the Nielsen Digital Marketing Award while Joshua Brown was named the Ruth Killick Publicity Young Independent Publisher of the Year. What are the IPG Awards? The IPG (Independent Publisher’s Guild) represents over 600 […]
Before you become a police officer in the UK, you’ll need to pass a number of assessments and police aptitude tests. One of these is the police officer verbal reasoning test, which assesses your ability to read a piece of text and make inferences based on the information provided. The verbal reasoning test consists of […]
As with all exams, GCSE Spanish assessments require robust preparation in order to get through them successfully. What’s more, revising for language subjects is arguably more complicated than others, due to the variety of skills that you need to show off. Of course, you will have to respond to writing and speaking in the language, […]
Speed, distance and time questions are often used in technical positions whereby a person is required to carry out complicated calculations in a short space of time. In this blog, I am going to cover some of the most frequently asked questions in relation to speed, distance and time. I have broken down this blog […]
When studying for your GCSEs, it’s vital that you establish good habits and methods that will help you focus, and ensure that you’re working smart, as well as working hard. In my last post, we covered the three main types of learning: visual, aural and kinaesthetic. We also looked at some revision tactics that you […]
The recent government changes to the national curriculum have caused a major shake-up in how children are being taught at primary school. Of course, the subject of history was affected, with a new government guideline being introduced, detailing what topics will be covered. Below, we have broken down this new Key Stage 1 and Key […]
Crime scene investigator jobs are one of the most sought after positions within the policing sector. Crime scene investigators, sometimes known as scenes of crime officers, attend the scene of a crime directly; to look for clues and analyse what may have taken place. So, how to become a scenes of crime officer? What […]
On your path to becoming a police officer, one of the biggest challenges you will face is the role play stage of the assessment centre. Unlike standard tests, where you sit down and answer questions based on your knowledge, the police officer role play exercises test your understanding in a verbal environment. However, these are […]
CODEBREAKER PUZZLES Have you ever watched a spy movie and thought, ‘I could do that’? It takes a special type of person to be able to ‘crack the code’ and solve complex encryptions. Codebreaker puzzles are a fantastic way for you to practise the art of coding! In this blog, I have provided sample codebreaker […]
The topic of Key Stage 2 History: Vikings is one that is widely taught at primary school level, as it is one that students find exciting and interesting. In addition, it provides teachers with lots of material they can use to demonstrate societal changes over time, which is the key aim of the new national […]