Police Verbal Reasoning: What to Expect

Are you thinking about a career as a police officer? Do you know the process of how to get into this career? Aspiring police officers face a gruelling time when applying to join the police force. Not only do they have to submit an application form, but there are a whole host of assessments for […]

Ultimate Police Assessment Centre Role Play Preparation

In order to become a Police Officer, you will have to go through a really tough process. Along with various interviews, you’ll need to attend a national police assessment centre. At this assessment centre, you’ll be asked to complete a series of assessments. One of these assessments, is the Police Officer Assessment Centre Roleplay exercise. […]

Made in the Navy: What Navy Career is Right for You 2017

What Navy Career is Right For You? – Introduction The Royal Navy has a vast array of career opportunities, each of which will suit individuals in different ways. A career in the navy isn’t for everyone, and not every role will be for you, but there are so many to choose from that you’re likely […]

Learn How to Multiply – Methods and Examples

Do you need help with learning how to multiply? Multiplication is something that every person needs to learn. It is a vital skill to have – not just for school, but for everyday life. Many people find it easy when multiplying smaller numbers. But what happens when you have two large numbers to multiply? Would […]

Police Call Handler Assessment – What You Need to Know

The selection process for becoming a police call handler is extremely tough. Call handling for the police is not something that just anyone can do. It takes a special type of person, and for this reason, candidates must undergo a rigorous assessment process. In this blog, we’ll explain to you all about the role of […]

Police Recruitment Scotland: Police Exam Study Guide

One of the steps towards becoming a police officer in Scotland is passing the Standard Entrance Test (SET). While there’s more to becoming a police officer in Scotland, such as passing the interviews and having all of the necessary qualifications, the SET test is important because you need to pass it to move onto other […]

Using Long Division: Method and Examples

LONG DIVISION: METHOD AND EXAMPLES Long division is probably one of the most difficult things to learn in maths. Many students struggle with the concept of long division. Unlike other school subjects, maths require a strong level of accuracy. There is a definitive answer, and therefore you need to be able to know the process […]

Civil Service Fast Stream Competencies

When preparing to attend the Civil Service fast stream assessment centre, you need to spend a considerable amount of time learning the key competencies. These are qualities that the Civil Service are looking for in candidates. This means it’s important that you take the time to come up with examples in your career and life […]