Hello, and welcome to my blog on ‘Safety for Kids’. We can all agree that the safety for our kids is top of our list of most important things. We all want our kids to be safe; we all want our kids to be well-educated in possible dangers, hazards and emergency situations. That is why […]
Following the pre-application questionnaire, you’ll be invited to fill in the online police inspector application form. As you might have guessed, this will be an application form that requires you to enter extensive personal details, as well as answering a series of competency-based questions. The police inspector application form is an extremely important stage, so […]
Hello, and welcome back to another blog on the Sergeant and Inspector application process. In this blog, we’ll be focusing specifically on the Police Inspector application process. To be even more precise, we’ll be looking at the Police inspector core competencies. The Direct Entry route Before we delve into the police inspector core competencies, let’s […]
This CSSE Essex 11+ resource has been compiled to provide guidance and information about the Essex 11+. On this page, you will find information relating to details of the selective test (including key dates), practice material, guidance on how to prepare for the Essex 11+, and answers to some of the most frequently asked questions […]
Hello, and welcome to the first of our series of blogs on the Police Sergeant and Inspectors examinations. In this series, we’ll be taking you everything that you need to know about these tough tests. Hopefully, by the end of these guides, you’ll be in a fantastic position to achieve success, and take your place […]
Before you apply, there are some key facts that you need to know when it comes to Police Inspector Direct Entry eligibility. Firstly, the Police Inspector Direct Entry Programme is only open to the very best candidates, which is why applicants need to go through such an extensive application process. In addition to this, there […]
If you are a currently serving police officer, then you will no doubt be aiming for a position higher up in the force. There are many ways to progress within the police, but one of the most popular routes, is to take the Police Sergeants’ and Inspectors’ Exam. Once you’ve taken these examinations, you […]
Key Stage 2 history: Stone Age to Iron Age is another topic of Key Stage 2 history that is widely taught and enjoyed by pupils. This is because it gives teachers a chance to talk about the origin of humanity. This is because they are able to paint a vivid picture of the huge change […]
Exams are tough, and unfortunately everyone has to deal with them at some point in their lives. Whether you’re at school or university, or sitting psychometric tests for a job application, you’ll have to prepare for exams. Simply put, the key to exam success is revision and practice. Today, we’re going to look at how […]
Although Key Stage 2 pupils are not formally tested on their knowledge of history, the national curriculum is very clear about how important history learning is for a child’s education! The government states that pupils must be taught history, to introduce them to historical study and inspire future curiosity towards the subject. As a result, […]