One of the best ways to prepare for the TSA is to know what kind of questions you might face. Here, we’ll be taking a look at the two main types of question. The Question Types of the Thinking Skills Assessment – Thinking Skills Assessment Question Types The types of question in the TSA fall […]
Magistrates work in a voluntary capacity, dealing with court cases within their community. Naturally, as a magistrate, it is important that you are a trustworthy person, with impeccable character. The people of your local community will trust in you to make the right decisions for public safety, and therefore it is essential that you have […]
“Down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid.”Raymond Chandler Hello and welcome to our very first blog on private detectives and investigators. In this introductory blog, we’ll explore what private detectives and investigators are, and what qualities you need to be successful in the […]
If you are thinking about becoming a London Underground train driver, then there are probably a great number of questions that you’ll be asking yourself prior to application. With the help of industry experts, we’ve pulled together a selection of different questions and answers, to make the process of application a whole lot easier!
The application for the Royal Navy in 2018 and 2019 is as follows: 1. Initial Interview. 2. Royal Navy Recruiting Test (RT), which consists of a Reasoning Test, Verbal Ability Test, Numerical Reasoning Test, and Mechanical Comprehension Test. 3. Royal Navy Selection Interview. 4. Royal Navy Medical and Eye Test. 5. Royal Navy Fitness Test. […]
Kent Police is one of the most popular places for police candidates in the UK to apply to. Every year, the Kent Police jobs team receives many thousands of applications from aspiring police officers. With all this competition, naturally it’s super hard to get a job! Well, fear not, in this blog we’ll break down the Kent Police jobs assessment centre, and give you a breakdown of what to expect.
For the first time, women will be able to apply for roles in any of Britain’s armed forces – including the SAS. In 2016, female combatants were first allowed to serve in close combat units in the British Army. So, this new changes is another progressive step towards equal opportunity, regardless of gender. Women are […]
In our previous post, we took a look at Train Driver Situational Judgement Test Questions and Answers. Here, we’re going to be taking a look at some more Train Driver Situational Judgement Test Questions and Answers. Question 1 – Train Driver Situational Judgement Test Questions and Answers You have been working in a team for […]
Role play is a fundamental part of the police selection process, and always has been. However, now, in line with the rest of the new police selection process – it’s changing! The difference between the old police search assessment and the new police assessment centre is quite substantial.
Train Driver Tests Situational Judgement Tests The use of Situational Judgement Tests (SJTs), sometimes known as Situational Judgement Exercises (SJEs), allow employers to gain an understanding of how a person would act in a given situation. Situational Judgement Tests are becoming increasingly popular in the recruitment process. It allows employers to gain access to a […]