In our last post, we took a look at three common Australian Police Officer Tests. You can find this here. Now, we’re going to take a look at two more types of Australian Police Officer Test. These are: The Audio/Visual Test; The Literacy Test. The Audio/Visual Test – More Types of Australian Police Officer Tests […]
If you want to know how to pass the Australian police officer tests, the best place to start is to learn what the tests are. Here, we’re going to take a look at the following three types of test you might face in your application process: The Reading Ability Test; The Summary Writing Test; The […]
When you take your KS3 English examinations, you’ll be assessed not only on your ability to use grammar, punctuation and spelling, but also your ability to communicate via spoken English. In this blog, we’ll provide you with some top tips on how to improve your English speaking skills, via body language. English Speaking Skills: Assessment […]
In a previous post, we took a look at tips on How to Pass Exams With Dyslexia – You can find that here: Passing Exams With Dyslexia. Here, we’re going to take a look at even more tips for how to pass exams with dyslexia. Answer the Easiest Questions First – How to Pass Exams […]
If you’re a student with dyslexia, you might find it difficult to write essays and assignments. In a previous post, we looked at the first 5 steps for writing an assignment with dyslexia. You can find that here: Writing Assignments With Dyslexia – Studying With Dyslexia. Let’s take a look at 5 more steps for […]
In order to work as a teacher, you will need at least one of two fundamental qualifications. You can either qualify via the QTS qualification (Qualified Teacher Status) or the QTLS qualification (Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills). Once you have achieved one or both of these, you’ll go on to complete an NQTS (Newly Qualified […]
If you are considering a career offshore, then you’ll be delighted to know that there are an absolutely enormous variety of careers available. Working Offshore often conjures images of battling against stormy seas and fierce winds, but this doesn’t always have to be the case. There are Offshore jobs in all kinds of fields, including […]
Introduction – Passing Exams With Dyslexia Exams can be difficult, and you need to prepare for them in two different ways. First, you need to know the content of the exam. This is the actual information that you are going to be tested on. This is the stuff you’ve been learning in class, or on […]
Working as a Royal Navy Officer is one of the most rewarding and respected careers within the British Armed Forces. However, as you might expect, it’s a pretty tough job to get! You’ll have to pass a tough royal navy recruitment test, plus physical exercises, and extra assessments. One of these exercises is the Admiralty […]
If you are considering a career Offshore, then you might be thinking of becoming a roustabout. In this blog, we’ll take a look at what a roustabout actually is, and how to understand online roustabout job descriptions What is a Roustabout? Roustabout is the most general, entry-level position on a rig. Roustabouts are generally expected […]