Passing Exams With Dyslexia – Studying With Dyslexia

Passing Exams With Dyslexia

Introduction – Passing Exams With Dyslexia Exams can be difficult, and you need to prepare for them in two different ways. First, you need to know the content of the exam. This is the actual information that you are going to be tested on. This is the stuff you’ve been learning in class, or on […]

Royal Navy Recruitment Test: AIB Biographical Questionnaire

Working as a Royal Navy Officer is one of the most rewarding and respected careers within the British Armed Forces. However, as you might expect, it’s a pretty tough job to get! You’ll have to pass a tough royal navy recruitment test, plus physical exercises, and extra assessments. One of these exercises is the Admiralty […]

Roustabout Jobs: How To Read Offshore Job Descriptions

How to Become an Offshore Worker

If you are considering a career Offshore, then you might be thinking of becoming a roustabout. In this blog, we’ll take a look at what a roustabout actually is, and how to understand online roustabout job descriptions What is a Roustabout? Roustabout is the most general, entry-level position on a rig. Roustabouts are generally expected […]

Writing Assignments With Dyslexia – Studying With Dyslexia

Writing Assignments With Dyslexia

If you’re studying at school or university and have dyslexia, you might find it difficult. So, we’ve created a step-by-step plan for students writing assignments with dyslexia. Step 1 – Write Down Ideas – Writing Assignments With Dyslexia Before collecting your research or making notes, it’s time to get your initial thoughts about the question […]

Studying With Dyslexia – Tips for Reading With Dyslexia

Reading With Dyslexia

If you have dyslexia, then there are many methods that you can employ to assist your reading, with considerations to make before you start a reading task, during a reading task, and indeed afterwards. So, let’s get straight into discussing what you should do before you go about reading something for your studies. Before You […]

Studying With Dyslexia – What is Dyslexia?

Studying With Dyslexia

Here, we’re going to take a look at what dyslexia is. Studying with dyslexia is difficult, so let’s get a deeper understand of what dyslexia is. What is Dyslexia? – Studying With Dyslexia ‘Dyslexia’ is a specific learning difficulty that affects how people interact with words and numbers. For this reason, it can make studying […]

Australian Police Tests – How to Pass the Australian Police Officer Tests

How to Pass the Australian Police Officer Tests

How to Pass the Australian Police Officer Tests Attending an assessment centre is often part of the selection process, particularly if you are planning to apply to the AFP. So, if you must attend an assessment centre, prepare yourself for a long day by getting plenty of sleep the night before. So, take good care […]

Key Stage 2 Chemistry: Solids, Liquids, and Gases

Learn Key Stage 2 Chemistry with these top tips.

If your child is studying at KS2, and taking their SAT examinations, then you’ll likely need to get them prepared for the dreaded sciences: Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. While these subjects have a reputation for being very difficult – the reality is that they don’t have to be. Here at How2Become we’ve prepared fantastic study […]