In this blog, career recruitment expert Richard McMunn guides you through how to join the Parachute Regiment, including the selection process, Para training, P Company and also tips for passing the British Army interview.
As part of the Royal Navy selection process, both for Royal Navy Ratings and Officers, you will be asked a series of interview questions that assess what you know about Royal Navy ships, weaponry and aircraft.
If you want to become an RAF Officer, you will need to undertake a tough and challenging OASC, which includes a series of tests, assessments, tasks and interviews. This blog will aim to provide you with essential tips, help and resources for passing your RAF OASC, which will take place at RAF Cranwell.
The beauty of joining the Army Military Police is that you get to become an Army Officer and also a Police Officer at the same time. Of course, with both of these roles there comes a huge amount of responsibility, a tough selection process (Army officer Selection Board) and also a number of interviews to navigate your way through.
The RAF are currently recruiting for RAF Regiment Gunners as either full-time regulars or reservists.
Your role as an RAF Regiment Gunner is to be a specialist in combat tactics, weapons and fieldcraft, and also RAF force protection operations.
The role of an RAF Intelligence Analyst is critical to the overall success of Royal Air Force Operations. You will be responsible for using advanced and cutting edge technologies to gather and disseminate information that is then used to provide the RAF with essential intelligence designed to enhanced worldwide operations.
If you want to become a prison officer, you will need to undertake an assessment centre that includes an interview.
During the prison officer interview, you will be asked questions that specifically assess your motivations for wanting to become a prison officer, the strengths you possess that will help you in the role, and also what you would do in specific situations.
In this blog post, Richard McMunn (founder of How2Become), will provide you with his tips on answering the new police officer competencies of Impartiality, Transparency, Public Service, Integrity at the interview.
The South African Police Service, or SAPS as it is better known, is the national police force of South Africa. With a total of 1,138 police stations divided amongst the nine provinces of South Africa, it’s fair to say that there are a wide number of locations you can apply to. But, with so much variety comes enormous popularity. The competition to join SAPS is fiercer than ever before, and this means that candidates will need to be at the top of their game. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the South African Police selection process, and highlight the types of tests you’ll be likely to face.
If you’ve been following the news recently, you’ll be aware of the Australian wildfires. Although fires are commonplace in Australia, with the searing heat, the current crop are the worst in decades, and enormous swathes of the country have been devastated by the flames. Australia is currently experiencing one of the most severe droughts in […]