In this guide, we will teach you how to pass a virtual job interview! So, if you have an online interview coming up, whether it’s on HireVue, Skype, or Zoom, or it’s a pre-recorded video interview, make sure you pay attention to the following 10 tips!
In this guide, we will give you 8 potential red flags to look out for during your job interview. If you have a job interview, and any of these 8 red flags come up, then you might decide to not accept an offer of employment with their company.
What we say, and how we say it during an interview, is going to be the difference between a pass or a fail.
Good use of the English language, and words and phrases that portray you as a potentially useful and productive employee, will go a long way to helping you score highly during any job interview.
In this blog, we look at the top 7 hypothetical interview questions (also known as situational interview questions) used by employers worldwide. If you have a job interview coming up soon, make sure you read to the very end as we guarantee this will help you prepare to pass!
Do you have your first job interview coming up? Most people are unsure of what to expect, are nervous they don’t have the experience, and worry they won’t perform as well as other more seasoned candidates…sound familiar?
Well fear not! In this article we will look at the top 10 freshers’ interview tips, or in other words, we will look at exactly how to pass your first job interview!
In this blog, we will teach you how to pass any job interview by following 10 simple tips! If you have a job interview coming up for any role, or any company, make sure you read to the end…
In this blog we are going to give you the opportunity to practice a brand new Police Online Assessment Written Exercise Question. This question includes a unique scenario not available anywhere else. Feel free to post your suggested answers, for feedback from the How2become team
Homonyms are words which are spelt or pronounced the same, but have different meanings. Nobody’s perfect, and at some point in their life almost everyone has got two or more words mixed up. Here’s a few of the most common mix ups.
In order to ensure that UK Civil Service employees are operating to the best possible standards, the Civil Service has introduced a comprehensive and detailed behavioural framework, which is designed to assess candidates for the Civil Service against a set of specific behavioural criteria and expectations.
Since the launch of the online assessment process, used by police forces in England and Wales, in May 2020 plenty of questions have been raised. Something we are asked regularly is what is and isn’t allowed with regards to taking notes […]