KS2 History Worksheets | Free Downloads

Although Key Stage 2 pupils are not formally tested on their knowledge of history, the national curriculum is very clear about how important history learning is for a child’s education! The government states that pupils must be taught history, to introduce them to historical study and inspire future curiosity towards the subject. As a result, we have created this resource from which you can download KS2 history worksheets that cover four of the most important topics that teachers will cover during history lessons. These topics are: Stone Age to Iron Age Britain, Roman Britain, the Anglo-Saxons, and the Vikings.

So, if you want to help your child’s learning in these areas, you’ve come to the right place! See below for short summaries of each of these topics, as well as four download links for KS2 history worksheets on each of them. These are ideal for you to get a sense of your child’s progress and help their learning. We have also attached a YouTube video from our channel for each topic, which contains more information and practice questions.

Worksheet 1 – Stone Age to Iron Age

The topic of Stone Age to Iron Age is unique in that it spans over 2 million years of natural and human history. Teachers will often break this time down into 5 stages: the Palaeolithic Era (Early Stone Age), the Mesolithic Era (Mid Stone Age), the Neolithic Era (Late Stone Age), the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age. This topic will deal with human development up to the Roman Era, and how they (we!) adapted to their ever-changing environment.

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Worksheet 2 – Roman Britain

When covering this topic, pupils will usually learn about the Roman Empire as a whole, including the Roman Army, and everyday Roman life and culture. Of course, they will then move on to learning about Julius Caesar’s early campaigns in Britain, and Claudius’s eventual victory against the Celts. Pupils will then spend a lot of time learning about how the Romans changed Britain forever, not least for bringing the written word to our shores!

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Worksheet 3 – Anglo-Saxons and Scots

The Anglo-Saxon Era in Britain begins at the end of the Roman Empire, and the rise of Germanic tribes who began settling in Britain around the during the 5th and 6th centuries. This topic spans the state of post-Roman Britain, Anglo-Saxon society and culture, as well as the huge struggles the Anglo-Saxons had to keep control of Britain. The Anglo-Saxons fought amongst themselves, against the Vikings, and finally the Normans, who ultimately defeated them.

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Worksheet 4 – The Vikings

Although the Vikings crop up in the subject of the Anglo-Saxons, teachers will often cover them in a topic of their own. This will focus on early Viking beliefs and way of life, their art and culture, as well as their notorious pillaging raids, many of which were on Britain. This topic will also focus on Viking attempts to conquer British land, which had lots of success, culminating in a Viking king of England. As mentioned above, however, the Normans would swoop in and take control.

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Go beyond these KS2 history worksheets

As you can see, KS2 History is incredibly varied and in-depth! However, this is a good thing, because it will introduce your child to a range of historical eras, any of which could grab their interest. This could spark a love of history for them to take into further study.

See here for more information on theprimary history syllabus.

For more information on revision resources other than KS2 history worksheets, check out the links below!

Stone Age to Iron Age Revision Guide.

Romans in Britain Revision Guide.

Anglo-Saxons and Scots Revision Guide.

The Vikings Revision Guide.


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