Interactive, fun, and engaging videos for children aged 5 to 11. This video blog contains educational videos for kids on an array of fascinating topics. From history, to science, to the Chinese New Year; this blog contains all of our latest educational videos for kids. To use the blog, simply scroll down and view each […]
Category Archives: Revision
21 Revision Tips for Parents Many parents worry about if, how and indeed when they should get their child revising for their upcoming exams. There is a lot of conflicting advice out there and whilst some parents take the approach that their children are too young to be revising; there are those at the other […]
The Critical Thinking test can be extremely difficult for those who don’t prepare adequately beforehand. You might be familiar with some of the topics and material in the test. However, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to head straight in and coast through the entire assessment. Here, we’ll give you five key critical thinking test […]
Key Stage 2 history: Stone Age to Iron Age is another topic of Key Stage 2 history that is widely taught and enjoyed by pupils. This is because it gives teachers a chance to talk about the origin of humanity. This is because they are able to paint a vivid picture of the huge change […]
Exams are tough, and unfortunately everyone has to deal with them at some point in their lives. Whether you’re at school or university, or sitting psychometric tests for a job application, you’ll have to prepare for exams. Simply put, the key to exam success is revision and practice. Today, we’re going to look at how […]
Although Key Stage 2 pupils are not formally tested on their knowledge of history, the national curriculum is very clear about how important history learning is for a child’s education! The government states that pupils must be taught history, to introduce them to historical study and inspire future curiosity towards the subject. As a result, […]
New research suggests that the way we’ve been thinking about short-term and long-term memories isn’t entirely correct. We’re going to take a look at this new discovery. In addition, were going to see how you can make use of this new knowledge to improve your memory and increase your chances of exam success! The accepted […]
When it comes to revision, your memory is your greatest asset. It’s what allows you to retain all of your knowledge about the world, and therefore it’s the leading factor in how to study well in short time frames. So, even if you have the best study techniques and revision tactics under your belt, you […]
Knowing what the 7 days of the week in French are is vital, as is your ability to recognise and express them. Not only will this vocab help you to understand and engage with simple conversations in French, but you will also be expected to be extremely comfortable using it in any formal exam on […]
Easy-to follow and interactive videos to help you improve your basic English skills. A-Z basic English videos. Detailed information on different areas of English. Beginner levels. This blog is ideal for anyone who needs to learn, or refresh their memory on basic English, including grammar, punctuation and spelling. To use this blog, simply scroll down […]