If you have dyslexia, then there are many methods that you can employ to assist your reading, with considerations to make before you start a reading task, during a reading task, and indeed afterwards. So, let’s get straight into discussing what you should do before you go about reading something for your studies. Before You […]
Category Archives: Revision
KS2 Biology is often considered the most enjoyable of the three sciences. However, it’s still tough to pass, and if you want to achieve top marks then you’ll need to make sure you are fully up versed in all areas of Biology – from the human body to plants, animals and insects. In this blog, […]
The thought of KS2 Physics often strikes fear into the hearts of students, but the reality is that this subject doesn’t have to be so intimidating. With just a few simple tips and tricks, you can ace your KS2 Physics examination, and even learn in a fun and interesting way! In this blog we’ll shine […]
If your child is studying at KS2, and taking their SAT examinations, then you’ll likely need to get them prepared for the dreaded sciences: Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. While these subjects have a reputation for being very difficult – the reality is that they don’t have to be. Here at How2Become we’ve prepared fantastic study […]
One of the main things that you can do to improve your KS3 English Writing, is to improve the overall quality of your written words. The bottom line is that your essay marks will dramatically increase if you can demonstrate particular KS3 English writing qualities, thereby impressing the assessors. In this blog, we’ll give you […]
As part of your Religious Studies GCSE, you’ll need to have a strong understanding about religion and relationships. These topics include: Sex and Sexuality; Contraception; Marriage and Divorce. Here, let’s take a look at what Christianity, Islam, and Judaism teach about contraception. Religion and Contraception – Religion and Relationships Contraception is the act of preventing […]
As part of GCSE Religious Studies practice, you will need to know what different faiths believe about aspects of the world such as war, abortion, the origins of the universe, and the existence of God. Here, we’re going to be taking a look at what Christianity, Islam, and Judaism teach on the origins of the […]
If you want to be able to drive unsupervised on the road in the UK, you’ll need to pass two driving tests. Firstly, there’s your practical driving test, where you’re assessed on your ability to actually drive. Secondly, you have the driving theory test. In this test, you will be asked questions and tested on […]
What is the UKCAT? The UKCAT, or UK Clinical Aptitude Test is used to aid the selection process in medicine and dentistry in the United Kingdom. In this blog we will be looking at the UKCAT registration process, what the test is made up of, how it is assessed and UKCAT preparation and revision […]
The Metro Bank Online Assessment consists of five tests. Each of these is used to gauge your aptitude to determine whether you are a suitable candidate to be taken to the interview stage of the application process. Here, we’re going to take a look at each of the Metro Bank Online Assessment Tests. Examples and […]