KS3 Revision – A Parent’s Guide If you are a parent with a child in Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) you will be tasked with the challenging job of maintaining your child is making the most out of their revision time. In this blog, I am going to cover KS3 Revision in […]
Category Archives: Resources
Speed, distance and time questions are often used in technical positions whereby a person is required to carry out complicated calculations in a short space of time. In this blog, I am going to cover some of the most frequently asked questions in relation to speed, distance and time. I have broken down this blog […]
CODEBREAKER PUZZLES Have you ever watched a spy movie and thought, ‘I could do that’? It takes a special type of person to be able to ‘crack the code’ and solve complex encryptions. Codebreaker puzzles are a fantastic way for you to practise the art of coding! In this blog, I have provided sample codebreaker […]
Maths Revision KS2 When it comes to education, the most important thing is that students are fully prepared for their assessments. After all, education is all about achieving good grades to better a child’s future. That is why I have created this blog – to give you a quick overview of the KS2 Maths national […]
The SPAG Test Every child aged 7 to 11, will undergo a series of assessments during their Key Stage 2 education. It is important that children are fully prepared for these assessments, and the only way I believe they can truly be prepared, is via practice! Within this blog, I am going to provide you […]
The hard part is over – you’ve had the interview, and now you are just waiting to hear back as to whether or not you got the job. What many people fail to realise is that it’s important to follow up after an interview. Don’t just sit there twirling your hair or twiddling your thumbs. You […]
Psychometric tests have become more frequent in job selection processes. Psychometric tests allow employers to assess candidates based on their skills, knowledge and personality; essential to maintaining a strong workforce. In this blog, I am going to provide 8 top tips for passing psychometric tests. Use these top tips for passing psychometric tests to help […]
The UK Civil Service is an influential part of the Government. They aim to implement strategies and policies within society, in order to provide harmony and assist the public. To join the Civil Service as an Administrative, you will need to undergo the Civil Service Qualifying Tests. This blog will provide you with sample questions […]
Britannia Royal Naval College Dartmouth (BRNC), is the official initial training establishment for officers of the British Royal Navy. As a fighting force, every Navy serviceman and woman must be physically and medically fit to carry out their duty in times of war. To be unable to get to a casualty or fire quick enough, […]
Picture the scenario. You’re interviewing for your dream job, in a company where you have wanted to work for years. This is it, this is the pinnacle, the top of the mountain. You’ve nearly made it, and all you have to do is pass one little interview… It’s a shame you’re stuck in traffic. And […]