Category Archives: Prison Service

Why Do You Want To Be A Prison Officer Interview Question and High-Scoring Answer!

Why do you want to be a prison officer interview question and answer

The interview question, “Why Do You Want To Be A Prison Officer” is one that is almost certain to make an appearance during your job interview.

How you answer this common prison officer interview question can often be a deciding factor in whether or not you pass your interview.

13 Tough Prison Officer Interview Questions and Answers

Prison Officer Mock Interview Questions and Answers

It is common knowledge that the prison officer interview is extremely tough. Candidates are required to demonstrate more than just the skills and qualities needed to be a prison officer – they must also demonstrate that they match the prison service’s competencies and values. In this blog, we will look at the 13 toughest prison […]

Prison Officer ARC Interview Questions and Answers (Assessment Recruitment Centre)


If you want to become a prison officer, you will need to undertake an assessment centre that includes an interview.

During the prison officer interview, you will be asked questions that specifically assess your motivations for wanting to become a prison officer, the strengths you possess that will help you in the role, and also what you would do in specific situations.

Prison Officer Fitness Test – Run-through and Advice

Amid recent pressure on the Government over the wages of public sector workers, it has been widely reported that prison officer salaries are set to increase beyond the 1% cap on public sector pay rises. As a result, applications for this position are expected to increase nationwide as we move towards the new year and […]

Being a Female Prison Officer in 2017

In the 12-month period of June 2015-June 2016, 51% of NOMS (National Offender Management Service) recruits were women; being a female prison officer is more popular than ever. This took the total percentage of UK prison officers who are female up to 37.4%. Of course, this means that more women than ever are now working […]

How To Become A Prison Officer: Role Play Exercise

Prison Officers play an essential role in ensuring that British jails are well managed and disciplined. Their job is to supervise and deal with inmates, and this often means having to keep order amongst individuals who are abusive and angry. It goes without saying that this is a very challenging role, and therefore the selection […]

Become A Prison Officer: The Ultimate NOMS Careers Guide

  Prison Officers play a fundamental part in maintaining the safety and well-being of offenders. They are responsible for supervising inmates, keeping order and discipline and dealing with individuals who are often violent or abusive. As you might have guessed, this is an extremely difficult role. There are a number of qualities that you will […]

Prison Officer Interview Questions in 2015

  Prison Officers in 2015 are responsible for supervising offenders in prisons and young offenders’ institutions. The daily life of a prison officer is extremely difficult, as they will often have to react quickly and remain calm in high pressured and difficult situations. As a prison officer, you will frequently need to deal with angry […]

Prison Officer 2015 Role Play Questions

If you are attending an assessment for a job as a prison officer, one of the key testing categories is ‘Role Play’. Role play will focus on your ability to make good decisions based on limited information. In this blog, we’ll show you some of the types of competency question you should expect, and give […]

Prison Officer Eligibility Criteria 2015

How to become a prison officer

As a prison officer, you would be tasked with the responsibility of supervising both young and adult inmates in prisons, remand centres and young offenders institutions. This is a very difficult job, which requires the ability to remain calm in high pressure situations and make quick decisions. You’ll have to deal with angry and abusive prisoners, who will test your patience to the limit. If you are someone who feels well equipped to handle all of this, and want to aid the justice system, then this could be the perfect job for you.