The John Lewis/Waitrose Assessment Centre (also known as the John Lewis Partnership Assessment Centre) is just one part of a larger application process for candidates applying for a position at John Lewis or Waitrose. The John Lewis/Waitrose Application process is as follows: 1. Application Form; 2. Online Tests; 3. Telephone Interview; 4. Video Interview; 5. […]
Category Archives: Interviews
So, you’ve passed all the elements of the Cabin Crew selection process, including the online application, the various tests, the assessment day, and the group exercise! Congratulations, you must be tired. But, it’s not time to rest yet. You still have one vital stage left (and it’s make or break): the final Cabin Crew […]
If you’re serious about becoming a flight attendant (also known as a steward, stewardess, or cabin crew), you need to be prepared for the interview questions you’re most likely to be faced with. This free guide is going to take a look at the most frequently asked cabin crew interview questions and answers. What do […]
The hard part is over – you’ve had the interview, and now you are just waiting to hear back as to whether or not you got the job. What many people fail to realise is that it’s important to follow up after an interview. Don’t just sit there twirling your hair or twiddling your thumbs. You […]
Many job roles require people to provide and maintain a good level of customer service. Whether that be face-to-face, on the telephone, or via email, it is important that you are able to provide the correct etiquette in order to demonstrate strong levels of people skills and professionalism. THE IMPORTANCE OF CUSTOMER SERVICE INTERVIEWS […]
Over the past few years, more and more employers have incorporated Skype and video call into their recruitment processes. In some cases, they are even choosing to replace face-to-face meetings with interviews via the Internet. This is a trend that will only gain momentum as time goes on, so you need to be prepared […]
Picture the scenario. You’re interviewing for your dream job, in a company where you have wanted to work for years. This is it, this is the pinnacle, the top of the mountain. You’ve nearly made it, and all you have to do is pass one little interview… It’s a shame you’re stuck in traffic. […]
If you are attending an interview, it’s essential that you can show your best qualities to the interviewer. Along with highlighting your key skills, an interview is also a way of ascertaining who you are as a person, and whether you will fit into the company. With this in mind, one of the first […]
The night before an interview is a confusing and difficult time. While most people understand that the night before their interview is an essential part of the interview preparation process, many of them just don’t understand how to use the final night to their advantage. Whether they are nervous and try to cram too […]
As of August 2015 the college of policing in the UK amended the police officer recruitment interview question format. This article provides candidates with details information and advice on how to prepare effectively for the new format, which includes both motivational and value based questions, in addition to the past behaviour questions. The new style […]