Category Archives: Interviews

7 Top Interview Questions And Answers

Top Interview Questions And Answers

Wouldn’t it be fantastic to know the top interview questions and answers before you walk through that interview door? Well, now you can. In this article, Richard McMunn from the career guidance experts gives you his top 7 interview questions and answers. Watch the video or read on (transcription below the video) to find […]

Why Do You Want to Be a Firefighter Interview Question

firefighter interview

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A FIREFIGHTER INTERVIEW QUESTION At How2Become, if we had a pound every time somebody asked us how should I answer the WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A FIREFIGHTER interview question, we’d be extremely wealthy by now! This is an almost guaranteed question during the tough firefighter interview, and […]

Cabin Crew Interview Preparation – Research

As with any job interview you’ll face, research will make up a very important part of your cabin crew interview preparation. Of course, you will need to prove that you have sufficient knowledge of the industry and what the role entails, but the bulk of your research should be focused on the specific airline you […]

Oxbridge Interview Preparation | A Guide to Success

As of this year, Times Higher Education have named Oxford and Cambridge the top two universities in the entire world. So, it might seem a little daunting to apply for a place at one of these two prestigious universities. Oxbridge interview preparation needs to be taken very seriously. This is because places at Oxford and […]

Waitrose Group Assessment Guidance and Practice

Are you looking to apply for a job at Waitrose but are unsure of what the Waitrose Group Assessment Centres and interviews may involve? Then read on to see our guidance, example questions and top tips to prepare yourself.   Waitrose Group Assessment Guidance and Practice The selection process for the John Lewis Partnership (JLP) […]

Goldman Sachs Recruitment | Aptitude Tests and Interview Preparation

Goldman Sachs is one of the best graduate employers in the UK. Because of this, their graduate schemes are extremely competitive. Here, we’ll take a look at some tips and advice to prepare yourself for the aptitude tests and interview of the Goldman Sachs recruitment process. Goldman Sachs Recruitment – Goldman Sachs Competencies In order […]

Paramedic Interview: 5 Top Tips to Pass the Paramedic Interview

In order to become a Paramedic, you’re going to need to pass the Paramedic interview. Paramedics are sought-after but the roles are often incredibly competitive, meaning that it can be difficult to get the role. Likewise, since the job is so important and challenging, employers only want to find the best of the best to […]