Category Archives: Interviews

What’s Your Greatest Achievement? Interview Question Example Answer

What’s Your Greatest Achievement? Interview Question Example Answer

The interview question, “what’s your greatest achievement” comes up during the majority of interviews.

How you answer this tough interview question is likely to be the difference between a pass or a fail, so if you have an interview coming up soon for any role, make sure you read this guide to the end because we will help you to be successful.

What Can You Bring To The Role? Interview Question Example Answer

What Can You Bring To The Role? Interview Question Example Answer

What we say, and how we say it during an interview, is going to be the difference between a pass or a fail.

Good use of the English language, and words and phrases that portray you as a potentially useful and productive employee, will go a long way to helping you score highly during any job interview.

Top 7 English Words & Phrases to Help You Pass any Job Interview!

Top 7 English Words & Phrases to Help You Pass any Job Interview!

What we say, and how we say it during an interview, is going to be the difference between a pass or a fail.

Good use of the English language, and words and phrases that portray you as a potentially useful and productive employee, will go a long way to helping you score highly during any job interview.

FRESHERS INTERVIEW TIPS! (How To Pass Your First Job Interview!)

FRESHERS INTERVIEW TIPS! (How To Pass Your First Job Interview!)

Do you have your first job interview coming up? Most people are unsure of what to expect, are nervous they don’t have the experience, and worry they won’t perform as well as other more seasoned candidates…sound familiar?

Well fear not! In this article we will look at the top 10 freshers’ interview tips, or in other words, we will look at exactly how to pass your first job interview!

13 Tough Prison Officer Interview Questions and Answers

Prison Officer Mock Interview Questions and Answers

It is common knowledge that the prison officer interview is extremely tough. Candidates are required to demonstrate more than just the skills and qualities needed to be a prison officer – they must also demonstrate that they match the prison service’s competencies and values. In this blog, we will look at the 13 toughest prison […]

13 Tough Firefighter Interview Questions and Answers


The firefighter interview is well recognised as being extremely challenging. Candidates not only have to demonstrate that they have the skills and qualities needed to be a firefighter, but they must also demonstrate that they match the fire service’s competencies and values – also known as the PQAs.