Category Archives: Career Advice

Being a Female Prison Officer in 2017

In the 12-month period of June 2015-June 2016, 51% of NOMS (National Offender Management Service) recruits were women; being a female prison officer is more popular than ever. This took the total percentage of UK prison officers who are female up to 37.4%. Of course, this means that more women than ever are now working […]

Crime Scene Investigator Requirements: The Complete Guide

  Investigating a crime scene is an extremely tricky job. Along with scouring the scene for – sometimes minute – pieces of evidence; the police must also collect, preserve and then use this evidence to come to a conclusion about the crime. So, how do they do this? The answer, is via crime scene investigators. […]

Getting To Grips With The Police Rank Structure

The UK Police Service is made up of many different ranks. Starting from the bottom, everyone who joins the police as an officer, will undergo a probationary period which usually lasts for two years. During this time, you must pass continuous training assessments and demonstrate to your superior officers that you have what it takes […]

Job Rejection: How to Deal with It – Top 5 Tips

  Job Rejection Sucks The feeling of rejection is frankly quite awful. You spend hours writing and refining your application, attending assessment centres, travelling to interviews, and worrying every step of the way – only to be told that your potential employers won’t be continuing with your application any longer. It can be pretty defeating, […]

Why you Should Take a Police Officer Course

As you will know, the selection process for becoming a Police Officer in the UK is extremely competitive. Out of the tens of thousands who apply each year, only around 20% of prospective candidates are successful. This blog will explain to you how attending a Police Officer course can massively boost your chances of success, […]

A Level Results Day: What To Do Next

  Options available after results After you get your A level results, you will have the following options: Start the course Adjustment Part-time course Re-sit exams Foundation degree Apprenticeship Gap year Distance learning Get a job I got the results I needed to get into my desired university Congratulations! If you met the conditions of your […]

Royal Navy Officer Training: BRNC Structure of Command

In order to become a Royal Navy Officer, you’ll need to pass through the Britannia Royal Naval College (BRNC). This is a deliberately demanding and difficult process, which will test you to your very limits. However, once you have successfully graduated from the college, you will truly be able to say that you are capable […]

BRNC Dartmouth: The College Fitness Guide

  Britannia Royal Naval College Dartmouth (BRNC), is the official initial training establishment for officers of the British Royal Navy. As a fighting force, every Navy serviceman and woman must be physically and medically fit to carry out their duty in times of war. To be unable to get to a casualty or fire quick […]