Category Archives: Career Advice

Highways Agency Traffic Officer Job Checklist – Become a HATO

A Highways Agency Traffic Officer (HATO) works on major roads and motorways in the UK to reduce congestion and manage on-road scenes following incidents or collisions. HATOs have special powers that road users must obey, such as the ability to instruct traffic to move along or stop. By law, road users must obey them, although […]

[Infographic] Become a UK Police Officer: Selection Process

Becoming a police officer is not as simple as many people think. There are 5 selection stages to complete in including: an application form, online sifting situational judgement tests, an assessment centre day which involves role play exercises, written report writing tests, numerical reasoning tests, verbal reasoning tests, the bleep multi-stage fitness test, a competency-based […]

The Role of a Traffic Officer

Traffic Officers play a vital role in keeping the roads safe. They serve by dealing with general road and traffic tasks. While this might not seem important, this means that the police can get on with cases which require their specialised skillset. This is the general role of a Traffic Officer. Traffic Officer – What […]

Waitrose Group Assessment Guidance and Practice

Are you looking to apply for a job at Waitrose but are unsure of what the Waitrose Group Assessment Centres and interviews may involve? Then read on to see our guidance, example questions and top tips to prepare yourself.   Waitrose Group Assessment Guidance and Practice The selection process for the John Lewis Partnership (JLP) […]

MI6 Jobs | Explore Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) Careers

MI6 is one of the most highly regarded, and secretive, organisations in the world. As Britain’s premier intelligence service – in conjunction with MI5 – MI6 play an extremely important role in keeping Britain safe from threats like terrorism, and other crimes. Naturally, getting a job with MI6 is no walk in the park. The […]

Paramedic Interview: 5 Top Tips to Pass the Paramedic Interview

In order to become a Paramedic, you’re going to need to pass the Paramedic interview. Paramedics are sought-after but the roles are often incredibly competitive, meaning that it can be difficult to get the role. Likewise, since the job is so important and challenging, employers only want to find the best of the best to […]

ASDA Interview Preparation – Tips and Tricks

After having navigated the online application form and assessment centre, the final stage of the ASDA recruitment process will be an interview with a store manager. While this interview is quite informal, it is important to prepare thoroughly! So, read on for our tips on ASDA interview preparation, as well as a brief summary of […]

Australian Firefighter Recruitment FAQs

  Facing the firefighter selection process in Australia can be a daunting task. See below for our list of Australian firefighter recruitment FAQs. Australian Firefighter Recruitment FAQs 1 – How do I apply? Applications are all done online, through your relevant state government website. However, the window for being able to apply are usually only […]