Category Archives: Career Advice

RAF Intelligence Analyst Jobs – How to Become an RAF Intelligence Analyst

RAF Intelligence Analyst Jobs – How to Become an RAF Intelligence Analyst Guide

The role of an RAF Intelligence Analyst is critical to the overall success of Royal Air Force Operations. You will be responsible for using advanced and cutting edge technologies to gather and disseminate information that is then used to provide the RAF with essential intelligence designed to enhanced worldwide operations.

Ex-Thomas Cook Employees: What Happens Next?

In the last week, the world’s oldest and largest travel group collapsed. The end of Thomas Cook has left holiday plans in tatters, and hundreds of thousands of people stranded in airports and hotels around the world. With the company going bust, approximately twenty-one thousand people have lost their jobs.

Join the British Army: Top 5 Tips to Pass the Army Selection Process

Joining the British Army is no easy feat. Whether you’re a British National, Dual-National, or Commonwealth citizen, roles within the British Army are incredibly competitive. Therefore, you need to be at the top of your game if you’re to succeed.

How to Join the Royal Navy as a Commonwealth Citizen

Looking to join the Royal Navy as a Foreigner or Commonwealth citizen? Read on to find out what you need to do to join! Since November 2018, the British Armed forces has opened its doors to foreign nationals and Commonwealth citizens. While Commonwealth citizens were previously legible to join the Royal Navy, Royal Air Force, […]

How to Join the Royal Air Force as a Commonwealth Citizen

Do you want to join the Royal Air Force as a Commonwealth citizen? Check out this guide to joining the RAF is you’re from a Commonwealth country. As of November 2018, the British Armed Forces have increased the number of Commonwealth citizens that they will accept. This number will increase to 1,350 Commonwealth recruits per […]

Australian Train Driver Interview Tips – Research

As you can imagine, in the build up to the interview you will need to carry out plenty of research. Research that is, in relation to the role of a Trainee Train Driver and also the Train Operating Company that you are applying to join. Here are some areas and Australian Train Driver interview tips […]

Australian Train Driver Interview Tips – Interview Technique

If you’re applying to become a train driver in Australia, then you will have to sit at least one interview. Here, we’re going to take a look at some Australian train driver interview tips to improve your chances of passing the interview. How to Prepare Effectively for the Australian Train Driver Interview During your preparation […]