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Author Archives: Andy Bosworth

Highways Agency Traffic Officer Job Checklist – Become a HATO

A Highways Agency Traffic Officer (HATO) works on major roads and motorways in the UK to reduce congestion and manage on-road scenes following incidents or collisions. HATOs have special powers that road users must obey, such as the ability to instruct traffic to move along or stop. By law, road users must obey them, although […]

Oxbridge Interview Preparation | A Guide to Success

As of this year, Times Higher Education have named Oxford and Cambridge the top two universities in the entire world. So, it might seem a little daunting to apply for a place at one of these two prestigious universities. Oxbridge interview preparation needs to be taken very seriously. This is because places at Oxford and […]

Essential Writing Tips – Top 10 Strategies

No matter why you are writing, whether for academic purposes or for pleasure, doing so to a high standard is extremely important. It is the mode by which you transmit your ideas, findings, opinions, critiques, and knowledge, so it’s vital that you are always looking to improve. If you are a student, clear written communication […]

Civil Service Fast Stream Assessment Centre (FSAC)

The UK Civil Service plays a significant role in the governance and management of the UK. By helping to develop and implement new policies and procedures, the Civil Service has established itself as Britain’s premier public sector organisation. To get a job in the Civil Service, you’ll need to pass a number of difficult tests […]

RAF Women: Combat Roles Now Open!

  Fantastic news today, as it has emerged that the Royal Air Force (RAF) have opened up combat roles for women. Not only that, but soon the change will be extended to all further branches of the military! As from today, Friday 1st September 2017, the ground force of the RAF will become Britain’s first […]

How to Write a UCAS Personal Statement | Examples and Advice

When it comes to your application process for university or other elements of higher education, you’ll need to complete a personal statement. This is a form of cover letter in your application which will preface your qualifications – a primer on who you are as a person, and why you think you’d be suitable for […]

BMAT Preparation – Everything You Need to Know About BMAT

If you are thinking about sitting the BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT), then it’s important to prepare yourself beforehand. The BMAT is one of the toughest admissions test out there – and deliberately so. Used to assess candidates in the medicine, dental, and veterinary sectors, the test is designed to push you to your limits, and […]