5 very hard interview questions!

5 Tricky Interview Questions & Brilliant Example Answers!

In this powerful job interview blog, we will give you 5 top-scoring answers to some of the hardest interview questions!

SAMPLE ANSWER #1 – “What motivates you?”

“I am motivated by several things. Being healthy, taking care of my family, and making sure I am always moving forward in my work and my personal life. For example, at work, I am motivated by achieving great things with my team and receiving praise from my manager. We spend a lot of time at work, and I want that time to be put to good use in a role that I am passionate about. Outside of work, my partner and I are saving up for a deposit to buy our first home, and we are very much motivated by this goal. The only way we will achieve our goal is if I work hard, and I do a great job for my employer.”

SAMPLE ANSWER #2 – “How would you deal with a conflict with a co-worker?”

“I would do three things to deal with the conflict. I would first assess my own actions to see if I were contributing negatively to the situation. Second, I would speak to my co-worker in private to understand how they felt about the issue causing the conflict. Finally, number three, I would work with them to find an amicable way forward that we were both comfortable with whilst at the same time focusing on the needs of our team.”

SAMPLE ANSWER #3 – “How do you handle feedback?”

“I am always open to any type of feedback because I believe it helps me to improve. If I am open to learning from others, and exploring different ways of working, it means I will always be valuable to my employer. Therefore, I will listen to feedback, thank the person for their comments, evaluate what they have said, and consider using it to help me improve, develop, and grow both personally and professionally.”

SAMPLE ANSWER #4 – “Tell me about a time when you went above and beyond what was expected.”

“In my last job, it was late on a Friday afternoon. My manager came into the office and he asked for a volunteer to stay behind late to put together a PowerPoint presentation based on the last 12 months company sales figures. He needed the presentation for an important meeting first thing Monday morning. Although I had plans that evening, I was competent with PowerPoint, and I had a good working knowledge of the sales figures. I agreed to cancel my plans that evening and help out my manager. I stayed behind late for three hours, and got the work done before sending my manager the finished presentation for him to use.”

SAMPLE ANSWER #5 – “Tell me about a time when you challenged someone at work.”

“In my last role, I overheard someone being rude and disrespectful to another person in the canteen. Although they meant it as a joke, I didn’t like it, and I could tell the person the comments were aimed at was upset. I spoke up immediately, and I told them not to use that language whilst working for our company. I also suggested they should apologise to the person for their inappropriate behaviour. Afterwards, I checked the person who the comments were aimed at were OK, and I then spoke to the offending person in private to explain why their comments were not acceptable. They apologized, and insisted they would never do it again.”

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