What’s Your Greatest Weakness?
11 Examples of Greatest Weaknesses That Work!
In this guide we are going to give you a list of 11 WEAKNESSES you can use in any job interview!
During your job interview you will have to answer the tough interview question, WHAT’S YOUR BIGGEST WEAKNESS?
If you say your weakness is that you are a PERFECTIONSIT, you will fail your interview!
If you say that your weakness, is you tend to PROCRASTINATE, or you are often LATE FOR IMPORTANT MEETINGS OR APPONTMENTS, you will fail your interview!
Whilst you need to make sure you give an honest weakness, you need to be smart in how we answer this question!
Important: whichever weakness you give during your job interview, make sure you tell the interviewer you are aware of it and you are taking steps to improve!
Weakness #1 – You are not very good at talking in front of large groups of people!
This is a great weakness because it is perfectly natural to feel nervous talking in front of people and it is not generally a skill that is needed in the majority of job roles!
Weakness #2 – You find it difficult saying “NO” to people!
This is a brilliant weakness to give because it shows you are the type of person who is likely to take on as much work as possible, and you will be a productive employee!
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Weakness #3 – You find it hard letting go of projects.
As a hiring manager, this is the type of weakness I would respect in a job interview. It tells me you are someone who cares about the work that you do, and that you have very high standards.
Weakness #4 – You don’t yet have any leadership experience.
This is a safe weakness to give, and it is perfect for freshers or first-time job applicants! Tell the interviewer you don’t have any leadership experience yet, but that you would be open to taking on as much responsibility as possible in this role if they hire you!
Weakness #5 – You are an impatient person.
Being impatient means that you can sometimes make hasty decisions, which is obviously a weakness. However, if you told the hiring manager in an interview that your weakness was being impatient, they are likely to actually view this as a good thing, because it tells them you will be driven in the job, and you will strive to get as much work completed as possible!
Weakness #6 – You have trouble asking other people for help!
This is a very good weakness to give! It is honest, but it also tells the interviewer that you take a pride in your work!
Weakness #7 – You find it hard to delegate tasks.
This is a very good weakness to give. You could say that you find it hard delegating because you want things to be done a certain way. However, you are trying to be more mindful in situations where you need to delegate because you understand that it is important to share tasks and duties with other team members.
Weakness #8 – You find it hard to strike a healthy work life balance.
This is a weakness often overlooked by many people. But if you are someone that just doesn’t stop working, you may find that it has impacted negatively on some of your previous relationships. However, from an employer’s perspective, if they can hire someone who is more likely to work harder than the next person, this can be a good thing in their view!
Weakness #9 – You tend to talk too much when you should in fact learn to listen more!
Talking too much is a great weakness to give in an interview and it that shows that you are an honest person. Some people like to talk a lot, but they are not very good at listening, which is an important skill to have! If you do use this weakness, tell the interviewer you are trying to listen more, and be mindful in situations when you are communicating with others.
Weakness #10 – You focus too much on the details!
Again, this is a great weakness to give in a job interview. You could say that you focus too much on details when completing projects with others, and that you need to make sure you focus more on getting those projects completed so you can then move on to the next project!
Weakness #11 – You try to please everybody.
This is another safe and good weakness to give in a job interview! You could say “I used to try and please everybody, but now I make sure I focus on what it is I need to achieve, and if that means having to say no to people, so be it for the better of the company.”
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