In this blog, we will give you 10 last-minute interview tips to help you PASS your job interview! So, if you have an interview coming in the next day, or even the next hour, read this from start to finish – it will make a huge difference to your performance!
READ OF THE JOB DESCRIPTION and take note of the skills and qualities needed in the position. Then, when the interviewer says to you, “WHAT ARE YOUR GREATEST STRENGTHS?”, make sure you match your strengths with the essential skills and qualities listed in the job description!
SCRIPT OUT YOUR ANSWER TO THE FIRST INTERVIEW QUESTION, “TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF”. If you give a confident answer to this question, it creates a positive first impression and sets you up with confidence for the rest of your interview!
Now, when you answer the interview question, “TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF” I recommend using the SEAT structure. S.E.A.T!
- S stands for the SKILLS and STRENGTHS you can bring to the position.
- E stands for the EDUCATIONAL qualifications and EXPERIENCE you can offer the company.
- A stands for one significant ACHIEVEMENT you have gained in your life so far, either from a previous working role, or your personal life.
- And T stands for the TYPE of person you are and what you will do in the role if they hire you.
So, when answering the question “TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF” make sure you use the S.E.A.T structure to get the highest scores achievable. And, you can remember the S.E.A.T structure because you will be sitting in an interview SEAT!
FOLLOW THE COMPANY ON SOCIAL MEDIA and visit their website ABOUT US page. By following their social media accounts, you can read their latest news stories and talk about the positive things they have been doing when you answer the interview question, “why do you want to work for us?”
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- The secrets to passing any interview;
- The common mistakes made at the interview (and how to avoid them!);
- Over 50 interview questions to prepare for (and how each is assessed);
- Full answers to each of the questions so you can learn how to deliver successful answers of your own.
- Beating the competition (what you MUST do to be successful);
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DRESS PROFESSIONALLY for your interview. Do not underestimate how important personal presentation is! If you make an effort in how you dress, you get to the interview venue early, and you are polite to the receptionist, it shows you care about the job, and you have high personal standards – all of these things will definitely impress the hiring manager!
BE POSITIVE & SMILE throughout your interview – One of the areas you will be scored against during your interview is positivity, enthusiasm, and commitment. If you smile, and are positive, it helps build a good connection with the interviewer!
DO NOT BE NEGATIVE OR DISREPSECFTUL about anyone in your answers to the interview questions. So, when the interviewer says to you, “why do you want to leave your job?”, be positive about your employer. If you are negative in any way, such as saying, “I don’t really get on with one of my co-workers”, or, “I don’t like how the company is being run”, then you definitely won’t get hired!
ASK 3 GREAT QUESTIONS ASK AT THE END OF YOUR INTERVIEW. Right at the very end of your job interview the hiring manager will say to you, “that’s the end of the interview, do you have any questions for us?” Most people don’t ask any questions, but that’s a mistake. Make sure you ask the following 3 smart questions to impress the interviewer:
Q1. What’s your favourite thing about working for this company?
Q2. Can you tell me more about the team I would be a part of?
Q3. What advice would you give to the successful candidate who wants to excel in the role?
THINK OF YOUR GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT in life so far. During the interview, you can talk about this and other achievements when answering the questions, “what’s your greatest achievement” and “why should hire you?”
For example, you could give the following answer to the interview question “why should we hire you?”
“You should hire me because I have a track record of achievement and I will replicate the same success for your company. For example, in my last position, I worked as part of a team that achieved record sales for a new company product launch. I will bring the same drive, passion, and hunger for success in this role.”
CALMING INTERVIEW NERVES! The one thing that will hinder your ability to perform well at your job interview is nerves.
The fastest way to overcome interview nerves is to stop thinking of it as an interview, and instead, start thinking of it as a meeting between you and a potential employer.
Because, at the end of the day, that is all it is – a meeting to find out whether you are suitable for them, and they are suitable for you!
PLAN OF ACTION with you to your interview that details what you will do in the role if they hire you! A plan of action is brilliant for showing the interviewer you are prepared, and ready to work!
Right at the end of your interview just before you leave, give them a copy of your plan of action and tell them that’s what you will do in the role if they hire you.
If you want to download my example plan of action that is perfect for ALL job roles, click the link right now in the top right-hand corner of the video!
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Questions & High-Scoring Answers Today + Get the insider video tuition for EACH question for FREE!
- The secrets to passing any interview;
- The common mistakes made at the interview (and how to avoid them!);
- Over 50 interview questions to prepare for (and how each is assessed);
- Full answers to each of the questions so you can learn how to deliver successful answers of your own.
- Beating the competition (what you MUST do to be successful);
- Checklists and printable resources;
- All interview answers are verified by our interview panel of experts.
- Instant online access as soon as your order is placed to over 50 interactive modules.
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