The things you SAY in your job interview will be the difference between a pass or fail. In this blog, I am going to give you 12 BRILLIANT THINGS to say in your interview that will impress the hiring manager. So, if you have an interview coming up any time soon, keep reading!
Also, please tell me the name of the job you are being interviewed for in the comments below and I will give you some great example answers to help you pass.
One of the top 3 reasons why people fail interviews is because they don’t know enough about the company. They don’t know enough about the company because they are only interested in a pay check. Say this when answering the interview question, “why do you want this job?”.
“I HAVE RESEARCHED YOUR COMPANY and am attracted to your positive workplace culture and track record of success. If I get hired, I plan to build a long-term career here.”
All hiring managers want to employ people who genuinely want to make a positive difference to the company in their work. When the hiring manager asks you the interview question, “why should hire you?”, say this as part of your response…
“You should hire me because I am EAGER TO CONTRIBUTE to the company’s ongoing success. I am passionate about my work and my enthusiasm will be reflected in how I contribute to the team’s mission.”
Companies and organisations need to hire people who will take the lead when problems arise. If you are the type of person who steps up and takes responsibility for problems, as opposed to leaving them for others to deal with, your chances of getting hired will skyrocket. Say this, as part of your answer, when the hiring manager asks you the question, “what are your greatest strengths?”.
“One of my greatest strengths is being A CONFIDENT PROBLEM-SOLVER. If a team issue arises, I will take the lead to achieve a successful outcome as opposed to leaving it for someone else to resolve.”
The top 1% of successful interview candidates get hired because they demonstrate to the hiring manager they are already high-achievers. Before your interview, write down a list of your 3 greatest achievements and talk about them at the interview. When they hiring manager says to you, “what makes you stand out from the other candidates?”, say this…
“One thing that makes me standout is I HAVE A TRACK RECORD OF ACHIEVEMENT which I will replicate in this role for your company. For example… [TALK ABOUT ONE OF YOUR GREATEST ACHIEVEMENTS.]”
The worst employees are the ones who will do nothing more than what is listed on their job description. These employees are rigid in their duties and they won’t help the company in times of need. If you want to stand out at your interview, say this as part of your answer to the question, “what are your greatest strengths?”.
“Another great strength of mine is the fact I AM ADAPTABLE. If the company needs me to complete work outside my job description, or stay behind late after work to help out in times of need, I will always volunteer.”
The job description is a short document created by the hiring manager that lists the skills, strengths, experience and qualifications needed to perform the job role competently. Saying you have studied the job description tells the hiring manager you are committed to doing a great job for the business. When the hiring manager says to you at the start of your interview, “tell me about yourself”, begin your answer by saying this…
“Thank you for this opportunity. Before applying, I STUDIED THE JOB DESCRIPTION to ensure I had the skills, strengths and knowledge required to perform competently in the position.”
An employee who has definitive career goals will be more attractive to a hiring manager. When the interviewer says to you, “where do you see yourself in five years?”, say this as part of your answer…
“I have CAREER GOALS that I want to achieve. My career goals include getting employed with this company, quickly achieving competence in my work, and becoming an integral part of the team’s success. In five years, I plan to specialise in several business areas and be someone the company can call upon to help train new team members.”
Continuous learning means you are always seeking to grow professionally in your work. Hiring managers want to hire people who take responsibility for their professional development because it means they will always be a valuable asset to the team. So, when the hiring manager says to you, “why should we hire you?”, say this as part of your answer…
“You should also hire me because I value CONTINUOUS LEARNING. I will always take ownership for my professional development to give the company a great return on my salary.”
The best people I have employed always accept criticism and feedback. They are the best employees because they understand that feedback empowers them to be an asset to the team. If you are always improving in your work, your salary will increase annually. When the hiring manager says to you, “describe yourself in three words”, say this…
“I would describe myself in 3 words as, I VALUE FEEDBACK. Feedback is the breakfast of champions, and it empowers me to improve, be a useful asset to the business, and have secure employment.”
Toward the end of your job interview, the hiring manager will ask you if you would like to ask any questions. Most people say they don’t have any questions, but that is a mistake. Asking smart and considered questions will further increase your chances of getting hired. Say this when the hiring manager asks you if you would like to ask any questions…
“I WOULD LIKE TO ASK 3 QUESTIONS, PLEASE. What is it the top-performing employees do in this company to be successful? Can you tell me more about the team I would be a part of in this role, and, what are the next steps of the hiring process?”
#11. “I HAVE A PLAN”
At the end of your job interview, just before you leave the interview, the hiring manager will say to you, “is there anything else you would like to add?”. The best thing to say is that you have a plan of action that details what you will do in the role if they hire you. Here’s exactly what to say…
“I would just like to say, that I strongly believe I am the best candidate for this job. I HAVE A PLAN that details exactly what I will do in this role if you hire me, and I would like to give you a copy so you can read it once I have left the interview.”
#12. “THANK YOU”
Thanking interviewers at the end of a job interview is important for several reasons:
Shows Professionalism & Courtesy – A simple “thank you” demonstrates good manners and appreciation for their time and consideration.
Leaves a Positive Impression – It reinforces your enthusiasm for the role and helps you stand out as a polite and thoughtful candidate.
Demonstrates Interest in the Role – A sincere thank you signals that you genuinely care about the opportunity and appreciate the interview process.
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