ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS for JOB INTERVIEWS! (How to SPEAK Fluently & Confidently in an Interview!)


If you have a job interview coming up soon, and you want to improve your English speaking skills, stay tuned! In this blog we will provide you with English speaking tips that will help you come across as a confident and articulate communicator and ensure you pass your interview at the first attempt.

Please also tell me the name of the job you are being interviewed for in the comments section below the blog and we will give you some extra English speaking tips to ensure you pass.

– Practice Clear Articulation

Before your job interview, practice speaking slowly and clearly.

When you slow down your pace of speaking, it not only gives you time to think what it is you want to say, but it helps you come across as a confident communicator.

For example, at the start of your job interview, I recommend you say this…

“Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I am genuinely excited about the prospect of working for your company.”

If you rush say those words quickly, it can demonstrate nervousness. However, when you slow down and speak at a more conventional pace it demonstrates confidence and strong communication skills. The hiring manager will also be able to hear clearly what you are saying.

Slow down your pace of communication throughout your job interview to improve your English speaking skills!

Keep reading for even more English speaking tips for your interview.

– Use Active Listening Skills

A job interview is a two-way conversation. Demonstrating excellent English skills is not just about how you speak, it’s about how you listen.

During your job interview, pay close attention to what the hiring manager is saying.

You can demonstrate active listening skills by looking the interviewer in the eyes, and nodding while they are speaking to confirm they have your full attention.

– Use Professional Vocabulary

Using professional language at your job interview will help increase confidence and impress the hiring manager. During your job interview, use the following five English sentences to come across as an articulate and professional communicator:

SENTENCE #1. I have studied the job description and my skills and qualities are perfectly aligned.

SENTENCE #2. I researched your company before the interview and am attracted to your workplace values.

SENTENCE #3. I want this job because it is a role I am a passionate about and believe I can have a positive impact on your team.

SENTENCE #4. If you hire me, I will be a positive role model for the company and set a good example to others.

SENTENCE #5. My objective, in this position, will be to ensure you see a great return from my salary.

Practice speaking those five sentences before your interview to help improve your English vocabulary.

– Give Concise Answers

Being able to give clear and brief responses to the most common interview questions, without rambling, is essential if you are to pass your interview.

Make sure, before you attend your job interview, you practice your answers to the following questions:

QUESTION 1. Tell me about yourself.

QUESTION 2. Why do you want this job?

QUESTION 3. What do you know about our company?

QUESTION 4. What are your greatest strengths?

QUESTION 5. What is your biggest weakness?

QUESTION 6. Why should we hire you?

 An example of a concise English answer to the question, what are your greatest strengths, is this…

“My greatest strengths include responsiveness to tasks, supportive collaboration, embracing change, and commercial awareness. I understand that if your business is to succeed, it needs its employees to contribute to the team goals and support you in new initiatives. Finally, perhaps my greatest strength is problem-solving. I will lead during challenging situations to achieve a positive outcome.”

ENGLISH SPEAKING TIP #5 – Good Interview Technique

Throughout your job interview, demonstrate positive body language, maintain eye contact, use appropriate facial expressions and gestures, and smile.

50% of good communication is in body language. Practice giving your own answer to the interview question, why do you want this job bearing in mind the following:

✔️ Maintain steady eye contact with the interviewer, showing you are engaged and attentive.

✔️ Offer a firm handshake at the beginning and end of the interview.

✔️ Sit up straight with your back against the chair, shoulders back, and feet flat on the floor or crossed at the ankles.

✔️ Nod occasionally when the interviewer is speaking to show that you are actively listening and understanding the points being made.

✔️ Smile genuinely at appropriate times during the conversation.

✔️ Use your hands to gesture naturally while speaking to emphasise points, but keep movements controlled and not excessive.

❌ Avoid looking down or around the room instead of at the interviewer.

❌ Don’t offer a limp or overly strong handshake.

Slumping in your chair or leaning too far back will conveys disinterest, laziness, and lack of professionalism.

Fidgeting – playing with your hair, tapping your fingers, or constantly shifting in your seat indicates nervousness and can be distracting to the interviewer.

❌ Sitting with arms crossed over your chest is a defensive gesture.

❌ Avoid glancing repeatedly at the door or a clock, as if eager for the interview to end.

– Avoid Filler Words

Examples of filler words include “um”, “uh”, “like”, “you know”, and “basically.”

People use filler words because they are hesitating, and they are unsure what it is they want to say.

Instead of using filler words, pause and think before you speak. If you don’t know the answer to an interview question, ask the hiring manager if you can revisit the question at the end of the interview.

This gives you extra time to think of your answer, and the chances are, they will forget to ask you the question anyway.

– Use Structured Responses

Organising your answers using methods like the STAR technique (Situation, Task, Action, Result) when responding to behavioural interview questions will help to clearly outline your experiences and accomplishments.

Using the STAR technique during your interview will significantly improve your English speaking skills.

Examples of behavioural interview questions include:

  1. Tell me about a time you worked on a team.
  2. Describe a situation when you had to overcome a challenging problem.
  3. Tell me about a time you had a conflict with a co-worker.

When answering behavioural interview questions with the STAR technique, begin your answer by:

  • Outlining the SITUATION you were in.
  • Then give brief details of the TASK that needed your attention.
  • Next, provide in-depth details of the ACTION you took to complete the task.
  • Finally, finish your answer with the RESULTS following your actions.

– Use Power Words

Effectively convincing the interviewer of your fit for the role by using POWER WORDS to describe yourself is a brilliant way to demonstrate excellent English speaking skills.

When the interviewer says to you “how would you describe yourself?”, consider using the following 7 power words for maximum effect:

  • Dynamic
  • Supportive
  • Responsive
  • Adaptable
  • Trustworthy
  • Ambitious
  • Self-disciplined

Those seven words will resonate positively with the hiring manager and help you get hired!

– Questioning Skills

Asking insightful and relevant questions at the end of your job interview demonstrates confidence in your English speaking abilities. At the end of your job interview, the hiring manager will say to you:

That’s the end of the interview, do you have any questions for us?

Most people ask no questions, but you are going to be different.

Write down the following 3 questions on a sheet of paper, and ask them when given the opportunity at the end of your interview.

Q1. What advice would you give to the successful candidate who wants to excel in their work for the company?

Q2. Can you tell me more about the team I will be a part of in this role?

Q3. What’s the best thing about working for this company?

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Find more English Speaking Tips and video walkthroughs for any interview you are preparing for on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@CareerVidz

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