10 JOB INTERVIEW SECRETS Hiring Manager’s DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW! – Job Interview Tips!

In this powerful job interview blog post, we will give you 10 Job INTERVIEW SECRETS Hiring Manager’s DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW! The following 10 interview tips are guaranteed to put you ahead of the competition so make sure you keep reading!

To begin with, why is it important to get your first day at work in a new job off to a great start?

Well, it is important because everyone in the team will be watching you. They will form an opinion of you within the first few hours of you starting work there. You will be like a magnet on your first day.

People will be intrigued as to who you are, what you look like, how you dress, how you communicate, and how you are going to fit into their team. Whether it’s right or wrong doesn’t matter – your co-workers, and your manager, will be watching you, so it’s important to say and do the right things.



The hiring manager will decide within the first minute of the interview whether they are interested in hiring you. You have to create a great first impression. You can create a brilliant first impression by doing the following 3 things:

#1. Wear a smart outfit – this tells the hiring manager you care, you have high standards, and you are taking the interview seriously.

#2. Give a FIRM HANDSHAKE and establish eye contact. A firm handshake tells the hiring manager you are a confident person.

 #3. Don’t sit down in the interview chair until invited to do so – this shows you have good manners.


50% of your interview performance will be assessed against the job description. The job description normally comes with the job advert – be sure to read it before your interview. The job description lists the essential skills, qualities and strengths needed in the position. If you read it, it will give you some clues as to the type of person they are looking to hire, and the interview questions you will have to answer.


During your interview, give EXAMPLES of previous situations you have been in where you demonstrated strong work performance. Your examples should include where you have worked in a team, provided great customer service, worked under pressure, and solved challenging problems.

If you give examples in the interview of EVIDENCE where you have previously worked to the required standards, you are far more likely to get hired.


Do not show up empty-handed to your interview! Most people turn up to their interview with nothing; they answer the questions, go home, and then wait for the result. However, if you take certain documentation with you, it tells the hiring manager you really want the job, and you are doing all you can to convince them you are the right person for their team.

Our advice is to take the following 3 things with you in a smart looking presentation folder.

 #1. A copy of your CV or resume.

#2. The direct contact details of 2 people who are willing to recommend you for the position. These are called references and they can convince the hiring manager that you will be a good fit for their company.

#3. A plan of action that details what you will do in the role in the first 30, 60, and 90 days in the position (you can download our ready-made plan of action for job interviews by clicking the link here.)


Did you know, the number 1 reason why people fail their job interviews is because they don’t know enough about the company they are applying to join?

Near the beginning of your interview, the hiring manager will ask you the questions: “why do you want to work for us?”, and, “what do you know about our company?”. If you have carried out little or no research, it tells the interviewer you just want a pay check and you don’t really care which company it is with.

So, if you want to increase your chances of success, make sure you research the company before your interview. You can do this by:

  1. Studying their website ABOUT US page.
  2. Looking into their history and the products they sell.
  3. Following them on social media.
  4. Learning about their mission and company values.


Is to make sure you ask the right questions at the end of your interview. This is another smart way to get the hiring manager’s attention. Most candidates say they don’t have any questions, or they ask damaging questions such as how much time off will they get, or the salary on offer. Instead, ask the following 3 questions to show you are a SMART employee!

 Q1. Can you tell me more about the team I would be a part of in this role?

Q2. What’s the biggest challenge the company is facing right now and what I could do in the role to help you overcome it?

Q3. What would my success in the role look like in twelve months from now?


Hiring managers only want to take on people who are POSITIVE and FORWARD-THINKING. During your interview, DO NOT, under any circumstances be negative or disrespectful about previous employers, co-workers, or managers.

When they ask you the interview question, WHY DO YOU WANT TO LEAVE YOUR CURRENT JOB, be very careful how you answer it.

The best reasons to give for wanting to leave a job include:

– Seeking a fresh challenge with a new company where your skills and qualities will be put to good use.

– Diversifying your skills and experience in a different role and company.

– A desire to work alongside new people who have different skills and experiences you can learn from.

– Or perhaps you have wanted to work for their company for several years, and you have just been waiting for the right job to be advertised.


Hiring managers want to employ people who have a track record of achievement in their life. It does not matter if your achievements are from your education, personal life, or work life… if you can demonstrate at the interview that you are a high achiever, you are more likely to get hired.

Therefore, before your interview, think of 3 achievements you have gained in your life so far and be prepared to talk about those when answering the interview questions, “tell me about yourself”, “why should we hire you?”, and “what can you bring to the company?”.


Practice your answer to the interview question “TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF” until you know it off by heart! If you give a great answer to this first question it gives you confidence and again helps build a connection with the hiring manager!


As soon as you get home from your job interview, send a follow up email to the hiring manager. This keeps you in their minds, and it shows good manners. Here’s the EXACT follow up email to send:

Dear sir/madam.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for interviewing me for the position at your company today.

I thoroughly enjoyed the process and learning more about your organization and team.

If you need any further information or documentation to help you make a decision, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

I look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Yours faithfully,


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