Community Nurse Interview Questions and Answers Guide

30 Community Nurse
Interview Questions and Answers

Pass YOUR interview at the first attempt!


Q1. Tell me about yourself and why you think you’ll make a competent community nurse?


“Thank you for inviting me to be interviewed for this community nurse position today.

I am wholly committed to the care of my patients and find this aspect of my job to be the most fulfilling. By nature, I am a kind individual who enjoys being in a position that allows me to make a difference through the treatment and care I deliver, as well as through educating patients on how to improve their health and well-being.

I will make a competent nurse because I am meticulous in both my approach to care and evaluation, I am able to adhere to stringent regulations and procedures, I have a passion for continued professional education and growth. 

I am also able to work diligently under pressure and positively address the obstacles the nursing profession poses. I thrive in employment that offers variety, so the prospect of working in patients’ homes, residential accommodations, and village clinics excites me greatly.

If given the opportunity to work for you in this nursing role, I am confident that you will be impressed by my work ethic and ability to positively impact the community around me.”


“As a community nurse, I will be responsible for carrying out a wide range of varied duties, including but not limited to the assessment, planning, and evaluation of patients’ conditions, care, and treatment.

In addition to keeping meticulous records, I would be required to adhere strictly to established regulations, policies, and operational protocol. Due to the nature of community nursing, I would be caring for patients in community clinics, accommodation facilities as well as in patients’ homes. That requires putting in time and effort to win over patients’ confidence and respect in their own environments. 

Further responsibilities include maintaining a high standard of patient care and treatment while often managing a particularly intense workload. I would have to use my communication and record-keeping abilities to handle a wide range of circumstances, and I would need to do so in a way that is both accurate and timely.

In addition to assisting in the development and implementation of national programmes aimed at enhancing the quality of care, standards, and efficiency, I will be required to uphold high standards of nursing care, adhere to the 6 Cs of nursing, and always adhere to the organization’s values.”


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Now INSTANTLY download the suggested ANSWERS to all the COMMUNITY NURSE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS and PASS your interview!

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To be a great community nurse, you need to be able to demonstrate the seven qualities listed below. All well respected  healthcare institutions, medical centres, and hospitals across the world look to employ community nurses who are able to implement these seven essential attributes in their daily work. In your interview the hiring manager is likely to ask you “What are your strengths?”, so we suggest you take the time to explore these points before your interview. 


A great community nurse must be great at communicating! You will need to communicate with patients and their loved ones in order to create effective treatment plans and establish the most appropriate care for each patient’s specific needs. It is of the utmost significance that a patient feels heard and understood by all healthcare professionals caring for them. As a nurse, it is essential that you have strong listening skills while dealing with patients.

Professionalism and remaining calm under pressure

All nursing staff are expected to uphold high levels of professionalism. This involves adhering to the healthcare organization’s code of conduct in all aspects of work, including the professional responsibilities of honesty, confidentiality, respect, and dignity. You must also remain composed under pressure in order to make appropriate decisions based on your immediate assessment.

Effective time keeping

Nurses are well-known for their superb timekeeping abilities. It is expected of nurses that they will be able to fulfil the obligations of their employment, which include managing and organising a substantial patient-related workload.

Patient dignity

All nurses should remember that treating their patients with decency and respect is fundamental to their work. For this reason, many healthcare organisations make this a mandatory core value for their employees to strictly adhere to.   To be an effective nurse, you must be able to think on your feet and adapt to any situation so that every patient receives the care they require in an environment that respects and protects their dignity.


You will likely meet care for thousands of patients throughout your work as a nurse. Different degrees of compassion and understanding will be required for with each of these patients. To be an excellent nurse, you must be able to identify the difficulties and needs of your patients. By demonstrating empathy and compassion, it is easier to quickly establish the trust required to provide successful treatment and care.

Ability to think critically

As a community nurse your critical thinking skills will be put to the test on a frequent basis. In order to deliver the best possible care to your patients, you must carefully consider how to implement your planned care or treatment plan so that it accomplishes its objectives.


The nursing profession is just one component of a broader healthcare system. While they are essential to the functioning of the healthcare organisation, they must also work collaboratively/ closely with other healthcare professionals to provide their patients with the best care possible.



We’ve compiled answers to some of the most frequently asked questions asked by registered nursing job applicants online to help you ace your interview. Whichever  medical facility, healthcare provider, or hospital you are seeking employment in throughout the world, the questions and answers below will help you prepare for, and perform better in, your registered interview.

What skills do community nurses need?What are the nursing 6 Cs?

All great nurses must possess the “6 Cs” of nursing. These are made up of care, compassion, courage, communication, commitment, and competence. Ahead of your interview we suggest you consider a time where you have demonstrated each of these qualities in your professional career.

What are the questions asked in an interview for community nursing?

We feel that our list of 30 questions are very likely to come up in your community nursing interview. Here are our top 5:

  • Tell me about yourself and why you think you’ll make a competent Community Nurse?
  • Tell me what you know about the role of a Community Nurse?
  • Out of the 6 Cs for Nursing, which do you feel is the most important and why?
  • Tell me what you understand about safeguarding?
  • How do you handle the stress of being a Community Nurse and all that comes with the job?

What should I do to prepare for an interview as a community nurse?

The best way to prepare for an interview to become a registered nurse is to properly study the job description and be prepared to answer any questions that may arise. “Tell me about yourself,” “Why did you want to become a registered nurse?” and “Why do you want to work for our healthcare organisation?” are common nursing interview questions.

What is a good weakness to say in a nursing interview?

An excellent response to this nursing interview question might be that one of your major weaknesses is that you always want to get things done quickly, but you recognise that you need patience while performing nursing duties in order to provide the best quality care to all patients.

How should a nurse handle a difficult patient?

This is a very common interview question that is likely to come up. Here is a great example answer to this question.

“At all times I would follow training and the operational guidance based around this type of scenario. Safety would be absolutely paramount. I would conduct an initial risk assessment, as the safety of myself, the safety of other staff and also the safety of the patient would be at the forefront of my mind. If I believed that, following the risk assessment, the risk of danger was low, I would utilise effective open communication techniques to try and resolve the situation. I would remain calm; I would listen to what they were saying, and I would ask them open-ended questions. I would reassure them and acknowledge their grievance if they had one. I would then ask them to explain what has angered them whilst maintaining soft eye contact. If at any time I felt was in danger, I would call for assistance and I would never put myself or anyone else in danger.”

Within the Registered Nurse Interview Questions and Answers guide, which is available to download on this page, we will provide you with over 30 sample Registered Nurse interview questions and brilliant suggested answers to help you pass!


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Who has created the answers to the interview questions?

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Richard guarantees the answers contained within this product are unique and will help you stand out from the competition.



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